BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th October


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th October
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th October



May I know your full name?

My name is Simrandeep Kaur.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Simrandeep instead of calling me by my full name.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

What is your daily routine?

I get up early in the morning at about 5 a.m. Then I go for a morning walk. I go to the temple after taking bath. I go to college/office/working place at about 9 a.m. I come back after 6 p.m. take a cup of tea and watch T.V. for sometimes. Then it is time for my dinner. After taking my dinner, I stroll a little. We, all the members of the family, chat together and discuss important issue and to bed at 11 p.m.

Can you tell me your attitude towards life?

I am an optimist. I look at the positive and brighter side of life. I personally believe that we should be up and doing. Nothing is impossible in life, what is needed is the sincerity towards your duty. If we lose, it should be boldly with the aim of converting it into gain.

Do you think hobbies are useful for human beings?

Yes, hobbies play a significant role in human life. Life becomes a boring affair without any pursuit of hobbies. They add charm and durable ventilation. Many times, hobbies lead to a whole-time profession.

How do you manage your affairs?

I believe in proper planning and time management. I never create artificial haste. I believe that “Haste makes waste”. First, I take into account all the points and problems, assess myself and then take up the job for completion. I make a proper planning of my strategy. I am happy that almost every time I have been successful in my mission.

Have you any dream of your life?

Everybody has a dream in his/her life. My dream in life is to become a successful person. I want to be an expert of my field. I am aware of the fact that I have to labour a lot to achieve my target but all the problems of melt before the heat of determination. I do not want to make compromise with mediocrity of life. I hope to become a celebrity in my field of activity.

Could you describe the educational system of your country?

In my country, the education system is mainly theoretical students get admission in schools, colleges and universities. They have to study the subjects of the syllabi, take the tests and pass the examinations. Some of these exams are connected annually and some on semester system.


Speak about an important apparatus/gadget you bought in the past

– What the apparatus/gadget was

– Why you bought it?

– How you bought it?

– What its uses are?


Last month I bought a microwave oven. Those were the days of Diwali and the companies were in a festive mood to offer the most attractive offers. I saved at least three thousand rupees for this oven.

I bought this microwave oven because of its utility. My mother/wife is very fond of watching some serials on the T.V. These serials come only at that time when it is the time for lunch or dinner. Now she can set the timer and prepare at least two dishes at a time. She watches her favourite programme, in the meantime the oven is performing its own duty.

The nutritious value of the products remains the same in an oven. It is quite hygienic to prepare things in it. Only that mush time is used which is ideal for the preparation of a dish. Not only preparation, oven is the best apparatus to heat certain snacks like smosas, noodles and my favourite gulab jamun. I personally use the oven for heating purpose. When my mother/wife is not at home. I am very fond of preparing popcorns in it. But one thing should be kept in mind that the same thing should not heated again and again in a microwave oven. This repetition destroys the nutritious value of the products. Moreover, it consumes much power.


Are there other kitchen gadget/apparatus which are very useful for you?

Yes, refrigerator, OTS, grill and juice-mixer-grinder are some of the useful kitchen gadgets.

How can we save the environment while using these gadgets?

We should see to it that we should not use those apparatus which pollute the atmosphere. These days CFC and HCFC free apparatus are easily available in the market. We should buy such products.

What should be done before buying certain gadgets?

We should see first whether the product is ISI or ISO certified. Secondly, we should see the stars which show the power-consumption level of the product. Thirdly, the price and utility must be ascertained.

Is there any change in the gadgets of today as compared to those of the past?

Yes, there us both qualitative and quantitative change. The people now need the luxuries of life which can make their life better and more convenient.


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