BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th February

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is your full name?

My full name is Eisha Rani.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Eisha.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you enjoy watching advertisements?

I do find advertisements to be interesting. I enjoy learning about new products through their engaging and innovative storytelling techniques.

Can you recall a commercial that stands out in your memory?

The Coca-Cola commercial has been crowned the best TV advertisement. I like this advertisement because I am very fond of this drink. The style of presentation is excellent.

What is the impact of advertisements on customers’ buying decisions?

Advertising has a strong, convincing force. They attract consumer interest by frequently tempting feelings or the present moment. However, consumers must evaluate advertising offers with diligence.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Where do you usually see advertisements?

I often see advertisements on television, online, on social networking sites, and even on buses and trains.

What different kinds of advertisements do you see?

There are many different kinds of advertisements, including TV, banners, pop-ups, sponsored social media postings, and even influencing promotions.

How do you feel about advertisements?

I feel uneasy about advertisements. While some are entertaining and useful, others can distract and disturb me, especially when interacting online.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Where do you usually see advertisements?

Advertisements are common on TV, the internet, social media, and public transportation.

What different kinds of advertisements do you see?

There are many different kinds of advertisements, including TV, banners, pop-ups, sponsored social media postings, and even influencing promotions.

How do you feel about advertisements?

I feel uneasy about advertisements. While some are entertaining and useful, others can distract and disturb me, especially when interacting online.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Where do you usually see advertisements?

I often see advertisements on television, online, on social networking sites, and even on buses and trains.

What different kinds of advertisements do you see?

There are various types of advertisements, such as TV, banners, pop-ups, sponsored social media posts, and influencer campaigns.

What are your thoughts on advertisements?

I feel uneasy about advertisements. While some are entertaining and useful, others can distract and disturb me, especially when interacting online.

IELTS Speaking Interview

I am an animal lover and specially love to go to places that have aquariums. Once in the month of November, I went to an Adventure park and saw this big aquarium there which had fishes of six different kinds in it. Out of which there was one Gold fish which was unique in itself and I simply admired this Gold fish for the pattern that it had. They were moving, sliding, dancing in the aquarium. It was a treat for the eyes to watch this Gold fish and other fishes in the aquarium. It looked like a very slippery creature with smooth body.

IELTS Speaking Interview

They were of white and black in colour. The gills were completely streamlined and it had a very fine finish. The other fishes were equally fascinating but there was this special colour with that glowy finish that made this gold fish stand out amongst the rest of them.

I found it to be very interesting because it had a glowy look and it was very pleasing to the eye to see it dancing in the aquarium creating different movements and shadows that looked absolutely surreal, especially to the one who is fascinated with animals and in my case aquariums specially. I had a wonderful time at the Adventure Park more because I came across this wonderful aquarium. It was a bliss for the human eye.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Why do people like to keep pets?

Some people simply love animals. Keeping and playing with pets reduces stress and anxiety levels. It gives emotional support to people who experience loneliness. So, these could be some of the factors that made people want to keep pets. 

What should we do to protect endangered animals?

We could donate funds to NGO to protect endangered animals. Also, educating our society and people about endangered species increases awareness. We can motivate people to keep the environment clean and try to use a recyclable product. 

Do you support doing experiments on animals?

Conducting experiments on animals ensures the effectiveness and safety of new medicines and treatments. But, still destroying animals for the sake of human improvement is pure selfishness. So, it is important to think of different ways to test a medicine and treatments. 

Why do some people refuse to eat animals?

It could be either because of culture or diet. Some people might follow their culture, where they should not eat animals. Or, some people avoid animals as they contain lots of fats that could destroy their health. 

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th February

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