BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st October


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st October
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st October



What is your full name?

My name is Asha Goyal.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Asha.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you work or study?

I am a student.

What subject are you studying?

Well, being a medical student, I am studying science subjects’ chemistry, biology and physics.

What did you choose to study that subject?

Be honest, I choose that subjects because these subjects are Lucrative (=profitable) subjects

Nowadays and it opens the door of more jobs opportunities.

Do you like your subject?

Definitely, I like my subjects because by reading these subjects, I come to know about a lot of things which I do not know earlier. It also enhances my spectrum of knowledge.

Is it very interesting?

Well, it is quite captivating (= interesting) for me because as I have told you earlier I am able to attain knowledge about basic things with the assistance of these subjects.

Are you looking forward to working?

Frankly speaking, I do not tend to do work because I pursue my further study in this stream.

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or afternoons?

Well, I give priority to do study in the morning time because that time environment is quite peaceful.

Do you like dessert?

Of course, I adore (= like) to eat sweet dishes after a meal because it is not only scrumptious but also change my tongue taste.

Do you like eating cake?

Precisely, I love eating cake but only in the special occasions like parties, marriages and so on because these are the only occasions when people cut the cake to express their joy (= mirth, happiness).

What desserts do Indian people like?

Well, that’s an interesting question for me because number of desserts is popular such as chocolate, cake, gulabjamun, rice pudding and so on.

Have you ever made a cake?

No, I never prepare a cake before because I am totally oblivious (= unaware) about the cooking.


Speak about a decision made by a person, company, or country, which you disagree with.

You should say

– What this decision was

– Who was responsible for making the decision?

– Why you disagree with it

– What should have been done instead, according to you?


There are many decisions made by many people, businesses, and nations every day all over the world. I may agree with many and disagree with many, but I rarely voice my opinions or delve too much into these choices. However, if a decision is made at a large scale by a multinational company, or by a nation, then the effects of such a decision are far reaching, and often impact many stakeholders. The stakeholders of major national decisions are often not just the citizens of the nation in question, but also other nations all over the world. National level decisions impact investments globally, and move international stock markets considerably.

One such decision that was taken recently was the Brexit. Brexit essentially stands for Britain’s exit from the European Union. I disagree with this decision made by the British parliament and the British citizenry, for quite a few reasons. The European Union is a body I hold in great esteem for the manner in which it has brought together many European nations under one umbrella to facilitate tourism and trade.

I think that when two or more nations share trade and tourism relations, there is little or no scope for them to end up in conflict with one another. Should conflicts arise, they are resolved quickly, keeping trade in mind. In the long run such an establishment becomes an antidote to war.

When Britain was considering leaving the EU, it asked its people to vote in favour or against the move, and the poll result was to be the primary deciding factor in the matter. When it was found that the majority of the British populace was in favour of Brexit, the move was executed quite swiftly.

However, the vote was split nearly halfway! Only a few more people were in favour of Brexit than those who were against it. I disagree with this decision because I think it is more divisive than inclusive. As a race we should strive to surpass boundaries and borders instead of building new ones. In my opinion, there should have been a re-election after a while, and more consideration should have been given to the matter at hand.


Are you good at decision making?

I consider myself quite good at decision making. A large part of managing a business like mine is the decision making process. Every time I am faced with options, or I’m faced with a dilemma, I clear my mind, look at the pros and cons of the possible choices that lie before me, and take the decision that is most likely to benefit everyone involved. At times I have made incorrect decisions, but I am able to resolve any negative consequences brought on by them. I try to learn from them and use them as references to make good decisions in future.

Is good decision making an inborn skill or is it learnt?

Good decision making is one of those skills that can easily be learnt. Most people are not born with much more than basic decision making skills. As we grow up we are faced with different situations each day, where it becomes necessary for us to take complex decisions. Once we start working, decision making processes have to become more rapid, as the world is moving at a very fast pace. Further, when a person gradually makes his way to the top in his field of work, he gradually acquires better decision making skills. He learns from his mistakes and improves upon them over time. This is how good decision making skills are acquired.

Have you ever made a really bad decision in life?

I have made some bad decisions in life, whose consequences I realised much later. When I was about fifteen years of age, I had a favourite great uncle who lived in another city. I used to play with him a lot as a child. However, as I entered my teens, other things started occupying my mind, and spending time with my great uncle didn’t seem much fun anymore.

Earlier I would visit him every now and then, and spend a lot of time with him during vacations, but slowly I stopped visiting him completely. He would often call and invite me home. I would always accept the invitation, but when it was time to go visit him, I would be busy with my friends, and would ditch him. The year I turned seventeen, this wonderful man passed away, and only at his funeral did I realise how bad my decision to not meet him when he called was. I miss him till date, and wish I hadn’t cancelled on him so often.

Do governments need to be more careful about their decisions than individuals?

Governments certainly need to be more careful about their decisions than individuals. When individuals make decisions they usually end up impacting only themselves, or their nearest family members. At the most they may impact a few friends. In context of one’s career, an individual’s decisions may impact those who work with him or under him.

This is why large companies have decentralised management, so that one person’s decisions cannot impact too many people all at once, lest he make a mistake. Governments, on the other hand are responsible for millions of citizens of a nation. If they make a bad decision, lots of people are likely to suffer tremendously.


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