BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd November


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd November
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd November



What is your full name?

My name is Natasha.

May I see your proof or identification?

Yes, sure. Here you are!

Where do you come from?

I have lived my entire life in Mumbai until now.

What is your hometown famous for?

Mumbai is famous for a few reasons. It’s one of the biggest metropolitan cities in India and there are lots of international companies there. It’s a very popular tourist place in India. It’s also considered the commercial capital of India.

Are you working or studying at the moment?

 I’m studying and working both. I am studying journalism and working as an assistant editor with the renowned  Newspaper, ‘The Hindu’.

Do you enjoy your job?

Yes, very much. It is intriguing and a fast paced job. You have got to work around the Clock and try to break the news as it happens. That’s our first priority and that’s why we are always on edge. We get to meet several people and sometimes need to go to different places. Beyond doubt, I love this job and I feel that I do justice to my aspiration.

 Is it difficult to get such a job in your country?

I don’t think so, as long as one wants to work for any press. However, it is hard if you aim at working with the Renowned Press. They have limited openings, especially in the editorial section. People generally don’t leave such prestigious jobs because they are only a few newspapers which are at the national level.

Why is patience important?

I think it’s one of the traits that everyone should have. Impatience is proven to be detrimental in all situations. In the heat of the moment, people become impatient and they say something that they really don’t mean it in some cases. But words spoken cannot be taken back, and it spoils the relationship. Being impatient doesn’t really solve any problem whereas patience brings happiness and joy to life.

Are you a patient person?

I keep calm, generally. Although situations make me impatient on occasions yet I try to control my emotion or anger. I ensure not to hurt others and that’s the only thought I’ve on my mind when I really get impatient. That calms my nerve.


Describe an open air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say.

Where the market is

What the market sells

How big the market is

 And explain why you enjoyed visiting this  market


I remember the most popular flea market Ahmedabad. It’s also called as “Ravivaari Bazar” or “Gurjari Market”.  It’s situated on the Bank of the Sabarmati. It’s open only on Sundays, which sounds interesting. Whenever you visit this flea market, It’s always literally mobbed with people. My father was a voracious reader, comma and always keen on collecting all kinds of fictional novels, magazines and other books. He frequented  this market more often to search his collectibles. He always believed that he would get some rare books from this market.  He would take me there sometimes when I was  a little boy.

This market has the host of all types of You get all types of used, refurbished at times as good as brand new items. I have seen clothes, food, shoes, jewelry, furniture, artifacts, memorabilia, souvenirs,  various types of equipment, books, antiques and what not for sale. Merchants arrange their  consumer goods in their respective stalls an over at the Bank of the River.ah

I guess it spent about six blocks,  and it really is a huge market. It takes a  couple  of hours just to explore all the stuff that’s available in the market. There’s no doubt that sometimes you get a rare things over there so it’s always advisable to look around all the  stalls first and then you take a decision. I remember my father and I always talk three to four hours at least to see the things and decide.

It’s quite an experience whenever you visit this player flea market. You tend to buy those things which you really have not planned for. That’s the beauty of this commercial setting. To me, It is a perfect Sunday morning  hang out. For example, I remember once I stumbled across a ship steering wheel and it was really authentic. I got it only for $ 5, and I use the same for home decker. Anybody who visit my home always admires this rare piece of marvellous.  



Do people in your country enjoy going to open air markets that sell things like food or clothes or old objects? Which type of market is more popular? Why?

Yes, I have seen many people going to open your markets. We have a flea market And a farmers market on every Sunday morning. I have no idea. What kinds of markets are there in other cities But I assume there could be some of Sure. It’s a perfect Sunday morning hang out with the fun. Certain things that you see there are not available in the primary market because the products that are sold here have been purchased from the people like us who could have gotten those items from any part of the world. And at the Farmer’s market, you could buy many organic produce and homemade snacks.

Do you think flea markets are more suitable places for selling certain types of things? Which ones? Why do you think this is?

 It’s quite an experience whenever you visit the flea market. You tend to buy those things which you have really not planned for. That’s the beauty of this commercial setting. To me, It’s a perfect Sunday morning Hang out. For example, I remember once I stumbled across a ship steering wheel and it was really Authentic. I got it only for $ 5, and I used the same for home Decker. Anybody who visits my home always admires this rare piece of marvelous. You can get such stuff on as well but in that you can see the stuff whereas in this traditional market you could double check the item before purchasing it. That’s the beauty of the flea market.

Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older people? Why is that?

It was the case in the past, but maybe I believe that the preference of buying stuff among youngsters has changed of late. They are more into buying online; Using their smart phones because E Commerce websites offer heavy discount plus all the trendy stuff is available. In fact, Some of the stuff pleased online is not seen in the traditional market because small vendors struggle to see their products in the traditional markets. Nor do they have the financial backing to buy their physical stores across the country! Therefore, for them, ecommerce websites are a boon comma and the youngster could choose options from thousands of items on these sites. In short, comma the online shopping offers all the features that attract the young.


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