BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th November


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th November
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th November



What is your full name?

My name is Shagupta Khan.

Can I see your ID?

Yes, of course, here’s my ID.

Where are you from?

I am from Baroda.

Do you work or study?

I am studying in Master’s Degree in Business Administration at the moment at M.S. University here in Baroda.

Is cooking popular in your country?

Yes, I think it’s popular. Most young girls learn from their mother or grandmother about how to cook the most popular dishes.

Who normally does the cooking in your house?

My mother does most of it-although I often help her when I’ve time, or if we’re having a large meal together as a family.

Would you like to learn how to cook?

I would like to learn to cook food of other countries, maybe Chinese cuisine, which is quite popular here among some people in my country.

Why do you want to learn cooking?

I think cooking can be a creative activity, when it is not just for feeding the family every day. I find it relaxing when I do it for fun and like to experiment with different ingredients.

Do you think cooking programs on TV are useful?

I think they are interesting and can give you some motivation to try different things. My problem is I can never remember all the details that I see. It’s only the idea or so when I try to make something it never turns out the same as it did when the chef on TV did it.

What is the advantage of a TV cooking program?

I think they can give you lots of ideas about different cuisines to try and you can also learn some good cooking tips, but I also like to have a recipe book or I download recipes from the internet – it’s easier to follow them like that.


Describe a time when you missed an appointment

– When and where it happened

– What the appointment was for

– What happened when you missed it

– And explain how you felt about the appointment


I am usually prompt and proactive when it comes to keeping appointments whether these appointments are with family/friends or complete strangers. But, then I am also a human, and I do forget to keep my appointments once in a while. Today, I would like to talk about one such appointment which I had with one of my friends but then completely forgot.

It was about six months ago when my good friend had asked me to take him to the airport in my car and pick up his uncle at around 6:00 pm. Seeing that both my friend and the airport were within a short distance from my office, I didn’t have a reason for not helping out my friend on that Monday evening. So, as soon as my good friend asked that little favour from me, I immediately agreed.

But, before promising my friend to help him pick up his uncle, I totally forgot that Monday was always the busiest day at my office since it is the first day in the office after the weekend. So, I kept working and working on that day until I suddenly noticed on my watch that it was already 5:30 pm, and I couldn’t even finish 70 per cent of my scheduled tasks for the day. Of course, I still had 30 minutes left to keep my appointment, but then I thought that it wouldn’t be such a wise idea since there always was a risk of getting stuck in bad traffic and miss the appointment.

So, I immediately called my friend and explained to him the situation while also providing him with a phone number to call a taxi driver who lived closed to my friend.

Anyway, it was equally a frustrating and awkward situation for both of us. I could even feel some anger, and very rightly so, in my friend, but when I explained to him about a very busy Monday office day, and how I completely forgot about it before making that appointment with him, he finally got convinced that I wasn’t being careless at all and that I genuinely wanted to help him.


Which events in your country most people forget?

I don’t think we can generalize this, however, I think it is mostly birthdays and anniversaries of relatives and friend that people tend to forget.

Do you think it is a good idea to use electronic devices for putting reminders?

Yes, I think it’s a very good idea to use electronic devices like cell phones, computers, tablets etc. to set reminders for important tasks and events.

Do you use them?

Yes, I have set reminders for birthdays. Anniversaries and I set alarms for important tasks. It helps me stay organized.

How memory can help you to learn a new skill?

Memory is essential in learning a new skill. It is only through a good memory that we can remember the rules or the techniques that are required to be followed when learning a particular skill.


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