BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th November


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th November
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th November



What is your full name?

My name is Kuldeep Kumar.

Can I see your ID?

Certainly, here is my passport.

Where are you from?

I’m from Ahmadabad.

Do you work or study?

I am an industrial chemist.

Do you enjoy your work? Why?

Initially, I did enjoy but with time I am losing interest.

What was your favorite activity when you were a child?

As a child, we had plenty of outdoor activities because internet and computers were not that popular then. Most of the time, we spent time going to parks or visiting the zoo or playing around with friends. My favorite activity was playing cricket with my friends.

What do you think children prefer: outdoor or indoor activities? Why?

I think they like both, don’t they? But it all depends on a child. These days most of the kids are glued to the computer or the phone screen playing games on the internet or video games. There are kids who have parents keeping a check on the internet usage so they do get time for outdoor activities.

How have kids’ activities changed since you were a child?

Earlier kids had more time for their hobby classes or sports but these days with the kind of competition they are facing at the academic front which is so stressful that they barely get any time for any other extra activities.

What is politeness in your opinion?

Polite behavior helps to build relationships with people, and it is a way of respecting.

When you were a child who taught you to be polite?

Actually nobody really taught us, this came to me pretty naturally as I grew up seeing my parents being polite and giving respect to others.

Why is it important to be polite to people?

Well, as someone said you exactly get what you give so if you want respect you need to give it first. It represents the culture and etiquettes of your family and roots. Some people are very rough in their behavior and they get nothing by being aggressive.

Do you think people have become more or less polite in your country compared to when you were a child?

Yes, these days one get to see very little of politeness in my country. It all depends on your upbringing, the kind of values and morals that are passed on to you from your elders. It’s certainly a matter of concern when kids are not polite and rough in their behavior. Such a negative behavior harms them at a later stage of life.


Describe someone you know who recently moved to new accommodation.

You should say:

– Who he or she is

– What kind of accommodation they moved to

– And explain why they moved.


Speaking of a person who moves to a new accommodation, I just think of my friend Linda. Her neighbor frequently played his music excessively loud, which rattles the change off her coffee table. She spoke to him repeatedly and he always turns it down to merely loud.

But then turns it back up within the hour. She said she couldn’t stand her downstairs neighbor any more so she changed her living place. Now her new neighbors are about 70 years old and they are very quiet. She stays at college most of the time. They don’t have anything in common and just say “hi” when they meet.

The new accommodation she moves to is in a suburb. Linda has to drive 20 minutes to go to the grocery store. But she doesn’t mind it because she can live in a bigger than before. When she looks out of the window, she can see the flowers and cute birds flying in the sky.

The only thing should be improved of her new accommodation is the blue-color stars all over the walls. Although they glow in the dark, during the day they make her feel depressed. Therefore, she plans to add some posters on them.


How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?

Well, it depends on how much money you are able to spend and where exactly you want to live. Of course, if you have the money, it’s very easy to find a place to live. However, house prices have been on the rise in recent years, and it is becoming difficult for young adults to buy their first homes, or even to pay rental prices in some areas.

Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

From my perspective, although in a short time to rent a place might reasonable and cost less, I lean towards to buy a house because it provides a sense of belonging and I can use the same amount of rental fee to pay the monthly mortgage, eventually I could own my personal styled shelter, which is a strategy to save money, time and energy to move and decorate rooms and buy new furniture’s.

Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?

It is a dilemma to say when is the perfect time for a child could leave independently without the love from parents because different culture has the different age limitation. Take the Chinese for example, it is the case for young to take the responsibility after 18 years old by law, but you can commonly say that we live in the influence by the tradition that live together with the parents as long as possible.


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