BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st November


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st November
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st November



What is your full name?

My name is Gursewak Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Gursewak.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Describe a place in your city or town where you like to go in your free time.

There’s a huge shopping mall just outside my city. It’s one of the biggest in the country, and people come from all over, even from faraway places, to shop there. It has hundreds of stores of all different kinds.

Why do you like to go there?

I like to go there because there are so many different things to do. Whatever I may need to buy, I can buy it there. If I want to get together with my friends, it’s a good place for us to meet. We have our choice of restaurants, movies, and clubs. It’s kind of like a little city all less than one roof.

Is there anything you don’t like about it?

I can only think of one thing I don’t like about it, and that’s the parking situation. The parking garage is very crowded and sometimes I spend a long time driving around looking for an empty spot. That really annoys me.

Is it a popular place for people in your city? Why or why not?

It’s a very popular place for people in my city. The main reason is because there are so many different things to do and buy there. There’s something for everyone. Another reason people like it is because it’s all indoors. We live in a cold climate, and the winters can be very, very cold. No one likes to walk around outside then. If you go to the shopping mall, you don’t have to go outside to get from place to place.

Describe a park in your neighborhood or city.

There’s a small park at the end of my street. It has a fountain in the middle and a few benches where you can sit and relax. It also has a small garden. Some of the local neighbors plant flowers there every year.

What are some things people can do there?

It’s a small park, so there’s not much to do there. It’s mostly there for looking pretty. You can sit on the benches and watch the water in the fountain. That’s relaxing. You can enjoy the flowers. It’s right next to the bus stop, so you can wait for the bus there, too.

Do you enjoy spending time there? Why or why not?

I like to go to the park on my way home. It’s a way to be outside for a little while. Sometimes I run into friends there. I’ve gotten to know some of my neighbors by spending time in the park, so that’s an advantage.

Are parks important? Why or why not?

Parks are very important in the city. Without parks, there wouldn’t be any nice outdoor places to spend time in. Parks add beauty to the city because they’re places where we can see trees and flowers. Larger parks also provide places for outdoor sports. Without parks, it would be difficult to do any outdoor activities in a city.


Describe your favourite hobby

– what is it?

– who you do it with?

– how is it done? 


Everyman has many hobbies in which they are interested and feel good or happy that hobbies are like dancing, singing, playing games on the computer or phone etc. But my hobbies are watching TV, dancing; listen to music and reading books. Hobbies are those parts of one’s life through which he/she can express his/her emotions and feelings.

Now, I would like to talk about my hobbies. I like watching Hindi and Punjabi movies on TV. My favorite TV channel is Animal Planet from that I learn new and different English words every time. dancing is also my hobby. I can dance and also like Bhangra, Giddha, Bharat Natyam and Kachi Pudi dances. many time when I cook food in my kitchen then I express my happiness through dancing by dance slowly.

I really love to listen to music I like Hindi and Punjabi songs. my favorite Punjabi singer is Ranjit Bawa because he sings too good as well as my favorite Hindi singer is Armaan Malik because he sings sweet and romantic songs with lovely feeling When I listen to Armaan’s songs then It seems that I am going to the new world outside this world. My most of favorite hobby is reading books. I like to read the different type of books by different writers or poets. I like to read Punjabi, Hindi and English literature.

My favorite poet is William Wordsworth which is a very famous poet all over the world. He always describes nature in his poems and I have no words for his praise. I am waiting to get a chance to meet him. So, I would like to say that hobbies are really essential part of our lives and we can spend our leisure in hobbies. Every man should have to enjoy his/her hobbies otherwise his/her life becomes dull and empty because hobbies increase happiness in our life.


Why do people have hobbies?

I think the biggest reason people have hobbies is to relax. Another reason is that people have different kinds of interests, and hobbies give them a way to pursue those interests. For example, I like art, so I paint as a hobby. People who like music might learn to play the guitar or sing in a local choir. People who like flowers might garden as a hobby. Hobbies give people ways to express different aspects of their personalities and develop different abilities.

Are there any hobbies you think are not worthwhile?

I suppose some people think some things are a waste of time, but it’s hard to make that decision for other people. I don’t like building ship models, for example. I can’t think of anything more boring than that, so for me that would be a real waste of time. But another person might get a lot out of an activity like that. So I think that as long as a hobby is enjoyable to the person who does it, and doesn’t cost too much money, we can’t say it’s not worthwhile.

What can we learn from hobbies?

Depending on the hobby, we can learn different things. People who garden as a hobby can learn about botany. People who play musical instruments can learn about music theory. We can learn about a lot of different things, depending on what our interests are.

Is it important to teach hobbies to children? Why or why not?

Yes, I think it’s important to teach hobbies to children. Childhood is a time of trying out different things. By pursuing different kinds of hobbies, children can learn how to do different kinds of things. They can learn about the kinds of things that interest them, and they can discover which things are boring to them. This helps them develop a better sense of who they are. Also, a child who develops hobbies will always have interesting ways to spend his or her time throughout his or her life.


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st November
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