BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th November


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th November
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th November



What is your full name?

My name is Beerpal Kaur.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like flowers? (Why?)

Yes, I liked flowers. They are beautiful creations of nature.

What flowers do you like? (Why?)

I like all flowers as I feel that they are all very beautiful creations of nature.

Which /What is your favorite flower?

My favorite flower is Tulip.

Do you think flowers are important?

Yes, flowers are important in many cultures. Different flowers have different significance in all religions and cultures. Flowers are used to decorate, make great gifts, used in medicines and cosmetics, and there are many more such uses of flowers.

Are flowers important in your culture? (Give examples)

Yes, flowers hold great importance in our culture. There are many flowers that are offered to the deities in temples, like jasmine, rose and marigold flowers. Lotus is our national flowers. Flowers are used in many celebrations, like weddings, as garlands and to decorate the venue. Many flowers have medicinal value too.

On what occasions are flowers important?

Flowers are important on many occasions, like weddings, when the bride and the groom exchange flower garlands. In most of the temples no prayer is complete without offering flowers to the deities.

Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?

Yes, in my country, on almost all special occasions flowers are used. They are given as gifts and also used to decorate the venue.

In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?

Yes, giving flowers as gifts is very common in India.

What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?

Flowers make a good gift on many occasions, like weddings, anniversaries, engagement, retirement, job promotions, etc.

When do Indian people give flowers to other people?

Indian people give flowers to other people on many occasions, like anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, etc.


Describe a success in your life

– When and where this happened

– Who you were with

– What you did

– How you felt about the success


Success has a different meaning for different people. For some, having a fat bank balance means success. For other, leading a meaningful life and being able to help others means success. Here, I would like to talk about a success, which I achieved in my life. Once I took part in a competition and won the first prize.

For me, overcoming my gloss phobia was a very difficult think. I used to be very stage shy and could never speak in front of an audience. It so happened that once I participated in an environment fair help in my hometown. We were a team of four students- Mohit, Rohan, Ravi and I. We had to make a model on pollution. It was very difficult to collect ideas for the model, but our teacher, MrsPromilla helped us.

We collected all data from different sources like the internet, library, magazines and so on we presented all three types of pollution- air, water and noise pollution – on thermocol in this project we showed the cause, effects and ways to control pollution we had to speak turn wise on our model. I remember, I was very afraid to speak. But my other friends gave me the confidence. I felt very good that I was part of that team.

I spoke very well that time. Getting over my gloss phobia was an accomplishment for me. I felt very good after that. We won the first prize in this competition. The judges specially mentioned that the first prize was mainly because of the verbal explanation of the model. This fair was covered by the local TV and so many people of the neighborhood congratulated me the next day. Our photograph was also there in the local newspaper Jag Baani. Our school principal also appreciated us I cannot forget that day. All four of us were on cloud nine on that day. So, this was a success I achieved in my life.


How to measure a person’s success?

It is very difficult to measure success. Success is a very subjective term. Different people give different meaning to success. For some earning a lot of money means success. For others, leading a life in which they can help others, means success. For a student, passing the exams with flying colours, means success. So measuring success is not easy.

Do you think the way people gain success has changed?

Yes, definitely, the way people gain success has changed. Earlier, people did a lot of hard work and success was limited to a small area. Only politicians and film stars and sportsmen who were in the news or national TV were successful over a wide area. But, nowadays, because of the reality shows, any person with some talent can become successful overnight. People can get worldwide success through the internet, through YouTube and other such networks. Today, people know of Indian successful businessmen, all over the world, because the world has shrunk.

How do you define success?

It is very difficult to define success. Success is a very subjective term. Different people give different meaning to success. For some earning a lot of money means success. For others, leading a life in which they can help others, means success. For a student, passing the exams with flying colours, means success. So defining success is not easy.

How to reward successful people?

We can reward successful people by acknowledging their work. Some awards can be given. Some monetary benefits can be given. Something giving promotions is a good way to reward successful people.  


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th November
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