BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th November


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th November
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th November



What is your full name?

My full name is ah Jashan Kumar.

Can I check your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Thank you. Do you work, or are you a student?

At the moment I’m working.

What kind of job do you hope to do in 10 years’ time?

That’s a good question. My dream is finally- without having any problem, like life and the other problem that comes to the anybody – my dream is just to direct my film. That’s the thing that I’m going to do. I have, in my past; I’ve had lots of experience- life experience, lots of things that I want to talk to the people. So, for me, film is a tool to talk to the people.

Do you play any sports?


What are the most popular sports in your country?

Good question. In my country is just the person are mainly- I come from Iran- in my country people mainly play soccer. Anywhere – in the street, at home, anywhere you can see- people play soccer.

Is it better to play sport or to watch it?

Okay, um you know it’s very um, it depends. To me, sometimes when you are in the right mood or the right time you are better just to play. But sometimes, particularly when it is- when it is a professional sport, you would like to watch it. That depends to the situation, to you, and many, many things.

Can sport be dangerous?

Ah I think it could be dangerous, or it’s not going to be dangerous. I think even if you’re walking in the street it could be dangerous for you, so I cannot say. But I can say – if you’re not playing a sport it’s going to be dangerous, because it’s just affecting your health. But- But playing- Accident could be anywhere – this is my opinion.

Do men and women play different sports in Iran?

Of course. I mean, as you know during the last 24 years. Because of the Government and the things that happen in my country, so women couldn’t do the same sport that men do. Even, they couldn’t go to the stadium like watch the soccer. However, recently, there has been a movement for the women, they have a chance. There is not enough facility for them just to do lots of sport.


Describe a vacation you have really enjoyed.

You should say:

– When and where you had it

– How you reached there

– What you did, and with whom you spent the holiday


Alright, um we went to the [unknown] actually, we went to the [unknown] with my wife and kids, just mainly to visit my wife’s family. I liked [unknown] because when I went to the [unknown], which is about five hours far from Sydney, the road, the nature – uh it was very similar to the scene that I had in my country and it remembered me the nature and the road that we had over there. I liked [unknown], I liked everything over there, I can tell you.

The smoke, the fog, I liked the environment; I liked the friendship that was there. I loved the food, I loved everything over there- the stars at night. I love the moon, I loved morning, and when it was morning it remembered the morning that I had in my country- it was very similar because nature are similar anywhere.

So, I spent lots of time over there and it helped me to remember the things that I had before. It gives security; it’s very mysterious feeling to me. So I loved them because it helped me more and more back to the memory that I had from my country. Animals, horse, you know farm – everything, it really attract me- see the people who work in the farm. That was a nice thing- I like these things and I think this is my nature and I love to be in this nature and that nature was very similar to the things that I had before, and I liked just to be there. That was something that I had over there.

So I spent time with my wife and I explained the things that had happened to my country and I told her ‘look, Calla, I will show this to you in my country again.’


Are people taking more holidays and travelling more these days?

I have to say I don’t think so, because the lifestyle is not letting the people to do the things that they want. They have to work more and more, and even you know when they got some family they have to work more. To me, in my point of view, I think they haven’t enough time to pay attention to holidays.

Where did people go on holidays in your Grandparent’s time, say, 50 years ago?

I think in that time, you know, to go to another- another city, which was very far – like 5 to 10 hours, they go to visit their relative somewhere else in their country.

Where do people usually like to go for a holiday away these days?

Uh it’s easy things that people like just to go to a very- very close and easy things. If they can get to anywhere around themselves you know, even if in Sydney they will go to Harbour or Opera House or anywhere around as because it’s very cheap and it helps them just to stay sometimes out of the- you know the routine of their life.

Why do people want to travel, to go away for a holiday?

Life is very hard. All of us need just to go- to go out of this stress during the week. You know- the technology, the Government, the people, the boss and so on and so on and so you know, just pushing your shoulders, so that’s a time that you can say that okay, I am human so you can just do something that you like.

Is tourism having an effect on the environment, do you think?

Sure, I think tourism just definitely effecting the environment because they bring the wave of the culture and you know, many, many things by themselves and they bring it and show to- to the new culture. So I’m sure, it’s very effective. Like if you think- like when I’m coming from my country, the food that I’m having, the think I interests, the way that I treat you know my family and the way that I love, the way that I dance- all of these things when they come together, it’s giving things like [unknown]. It’s giving some information about outside to anybody, to the other people.


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th November
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