BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th December



What is your full name?

My name is Karamjeet Kaur.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you play any sports?

Not as much as I should. I’m really busy with my job these days, so I don’t get the chance to do as many sports as I would like. I try to play basketball on Saturdays for a couple of hours and I occasionally play golf.

Have you played basketball for long?

Since I was about 10 years old, I remember playing a computer game about basketball when I was about 10 and it made me obsessed with the sport. From then on I played basketball every day until I went to university and then other things took priority, but I regret not maintaining it because it was something I loved doing.

Do you watch sport on TV?

Football is my favourite sport to watch on TV. I’m terrible at football but I love watching it on TV, especially big games like the Champions League. I follow Liverpool Football Club.

What is the most popular sport in your country?

In my country there are two dominant sports Gaelic Football and Hurling. Gaelic is a little like soccer but you are allowed to pick up the ball with your hands and you can kick the ball over the bar for one point or in the goal for 3 points. Hurling is played with sticks and a smaller ball and involves hitting the ball over the bar or in the goal.

How do people in your country stay fit?

We are blessed with beautiful countryside and a nice temperate climate so most people either go running or walking. Lots of young people play field sports, but more and more people are joining gyms. Gyms have really taken off recently as people worry more and more about their appearance. I think it has much more to do with how good people look rather than actually keeping fit.

Is it important for children to play sports?

Definitely. Sport not only keeps them healthy, but it also teaches them discipline and keeps them out of trouble. For instance, in my school the kids who were dedicated to sport also achieved the highest grades in school and went on to good universities where they continued to work hard.


Describe a positive change that you made to your life

You should say:

– When it happened

– Where it happened

– What the change was

– And explain how you have benefited from this change


The positive change that I would like to talk about is ‘I started playing outdoor games instead of playing computer games’. After I got my first personal computer when I was only 9 years old or so, I started learning many things. Besides that I started playing the computer games. As computer games are addictive I found that I was playing the games whenever I had spare times. This addiction barred me from playing outdoor games like cricket, football etc.

I found myself very much attracted to the computer games and I preferred to play the games at home instead of going to open spaces or fields to participate in outdoor games that involve physical exercises. Not that computer games are all so bad, but playing them all the time someone has got is not a good thing especially for kids.

I found that I was spending more times at home than being outside. After my parents noticed that, they discussed with me about that and explained me the importance of outdoor activities. They gave me strict restriction that I would only be able to play computer games for an hour daily and in the evening I’d have to go outside to play with my friends.

This was obviously a very positive change for me. I’m not against computer games but I feel that if there are more important things to do, then we should not spend time on computer games only.

This change affected me very positively. I became a good cricket player later on, I started maintaining my times more prudently and I am sure this change has affected me positively in terms of physical and mental health.


Why old people do not accept change?

Well, it’s true that they do not like the change in their life because they believe that old is gold .apart from it according to my perspective they don’t like to change their lifestyle such as they prefer to live in simplicity instead of modern lifestyle. In other words, as we all used electrical equipment like computers, mobile, and so on, however, they believe that it is the wastage of money, as well as this equipment, made people less healthy and lethargic. So that’s the main reason why they don’t like any change in their life.

How should all change be taken?

Change is a law of nature and everyone accepts the change with the face. Some changes are maybe good and others may be painful. But changes are important to growing in any field. For example, during my school time, I took participate in a dance competition but unfortunately my left foot fractured and the doctor recommends bed rest. That change was painful for me but I accepted that change with cheerfully.



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