BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th December



What is your full name?

My name is Lovepreet Khosa.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

How often do you buy shoes?

For me comfort of shoes is more important than the looks, so whenever I find a pair of shoes that are very comfortable I don’t miss the chance to buy .As a matter of fact I end up buying a pair of shoes every month.

Have you ever bought shoes online?

Yes, online shopping these days offers a wider range of products, than conventional shopping in the stores. So I prefer to buy shoes online these days. I just bought a pair yesterday.

Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

Yes I have come across many people who like to buy a lot of shoes. My sister, my aunt, my mother all of them have a good collection of Shoes in all colors.

What’s your favourite type of shoes?

As I just mentioned my favourite type of pair of shoe is the one that offers comfort rather than good looks only. I like shoes that are simple in design and polish able.

Do you usually make your friends laugh?

Well, I try to but I don’t think I have a good sense of humor.

Are you the kind of person who makes people laugh?

As I said earlier, I try my best to make people laugh but I don’t think my friends find my jokes funny.

Do you think it is important to laugh with friends?

Yes, it is very important to laugh with friends it helps in developing strong bonds.


Describe a piece of advice you received about choosing your major career.

You should say:

What the advice was

When you received it

Who gave the advice

And explain how you felt about it.


I’ve always been interested in business, in particular starting my own. I’ve always had a really entrepreneurial spirit and have never felt enthralled about the idea of getting a job or working for someone else. Ever since I was young, I was thinking up ways to make money. Whether it was mowing people’s lawns or finding things to sell online, there was always a new money-making scheme up my sleeve.

My parents were a bit concerned and didn’t want me to be self employed. They felt it was too risky and would have rather I worked for a big stable corporation instead. At one of our family dinners, my dad asked me what I wanted to study at university. I explained that I wasn’t really keen on going to university, but instead starting a business.

He knew this was going to be my answer, and he’d prepared some statistics and had found some stories about friends who’d started a venture and failed. He sat there rattling off all the facts and figures, and telling me horror stories about this friend and that friend that hadn’t been successful. My mother wasn’t completely supportive of this advice because she wanted me to at least try, knowing I could fall back on the more conventional path it didn’t work out.

I listened and nodded at appropriate moments, but knew in my heart that I wasn’t going to follow this advice, and was going to do my own thing instead. I felt that the advice he was giving me was bad and unduly pessimistic. I had a lot of reservations about what he was saying, but didn’t want to hurt his feelings because I knew he meant well and wanted the best for me. Years later when I had succeeded he conceded that he was wrong to discourage me and was happy I’d disregarded his advice.


Why do so many young people choose communication and media studies as their major?

I think some students choose this because they’re not really sure what else to study. Perhaps they weren’t really all that interested in the sciences, or didn’t want to pursue law, but instead wanted a more general degree that could be useful for many different careers. However, I think that’s a really cynical interpretation of their decision and I think there’s a more positive explanation instead.

What can affect a young person’s career choices?

I think pressure and advice from parents can have a significant impact on a person’s career choice. Some parents may be quite heavy handed, and say they’ll only be willing to pay tuition fees for certain majors. This will obviously greatly affect someone’s choices, as they’d feel unable to do something different. I think the media can also play a huge role too.

People may want to choose a career because it’s portrayed in the media as sexy. Software developers, pilots, and entrepreneurs are glamorized in popular media, and the superficial appeals of these careers may be what ultimately influence someone to choose such a career path.

Are people free to choose their own career paths?

In most cases, yes of course. While parents and teachers may pressure someone to choose a particular career, it’s up to the individual what they do. They may face some backlash if they ignore the advice they’re given, but we live in a world where we’re free to make our own choices.

I think there are some exceptional cases though. While there are many kids that may want to grow up to be an astronaut or star basketball player, they may not necessarily be able to choose this career because of the competitiveness or unavailability of jobs in these areas.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th December


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