BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st December



What is your full name?

My name is Sipra Sharma.

Can I see your ID?

Here it is! This is my passport.

 Where are you from?

I belong to Jaipur which is in the state of Rajasthan.

What do you do?

I’ve recently completed my graduate degree in business administration, and at the moment, I work for Infosys as a business consultant.

Do you play video games?

I play video games very occasionally, if a certain friend has purchased a new gaming console, or a new gaming arcade has opened up in the city. Otherwise, I am not too fond of playing video games, now. Also, I do find much time for video gaming.

Did you used to play video games earlier?

Yes, until I got so busy, I used to play a lot of different video games with my friends. As children we used to play the basic versions made available by Nintendo and similar companies. Then, a few years after college we started playing multiplayer video games such as Counter Strike and GTA in gaming arenas and arcades. I must say, it was a lot of fun.

Are there any drawbacks of playing video games?

Most video games these days have amazing graphics and audio effects. The game play is very smooth and realistic, as opened to how it used to be in video games from 20 years ago. So, the entire gameplay experience is very engaging and engrossing. Most games are addictive and very time consuming, too. So, if an office going person starts playing video games too frequently, either his career, or his sleep cycle is likely to get hampered.

Do violent video games affect children negatively?

Yes, violent video games can affect children negatively. Because video games are highly engaging due to their high definition graphics and sounds, children may become too engrossed and lose touch with reality.


Describe the most important benefit of the internet.

You should say:

what it is

why you prefer it

how people/students can take advantage of this benefit

and explain the importance of it in your country.


No doubt that the internet is one of the greatest inventions, if not the greatest, of all time which has certainly changed our world for good. In fact, the possibilities of the internet are simply endless, if used properly, as there are so many important benefits of using it, no matter what we do and which part of the world we live in.

To begin with, one of the most important benefits of the internet is that it allows us to connect and communicate, by supplying an endless amount of knowledge and information, with each other in an instant manner which was unimaginable before its invention about several decades ago.

In fact, in the past, it would take days, and sometimes even months, to receive a letter from someone else. But, today, with the internet, we can send an email (electronic mail) or even “instant messages” to anyone in the world and have it delivered, along with loads of information, in seconds!

Anyway, while different people prefer internet for different reasons, I prefer it because it allows me to chat with my friends and families instantly, with the help of social media and different chat messengers, while also see them live no matter where I live.

Students can also take advantage of such benefit, provided by the internet, by researching for different kinds of data and information on the world wide web which would ultimately help them to prepare important research papers and other important documents from the comfort of their homes without ever visiting a library.

Anyway, the introduction of the internet has proved out to be very important for my country on several grounds. First, it has improved the efficiency and productivity of our workers at factories and offices by accelerating the process of sharing different kinds of data and information rather easily and quickly.

Besides, it has also enabled millions of our young workers to search for different kinds of “online works” in different countries and companies and thus helping eliminate the unemployment problem of my country rather significantly.


Do you do any shopping on internet?

Yes, I do. For items like electronics and bags, I have come to prefer online shopping as compared to the going to market as the product quality can be easily checked and there are lot of offers available while shopping online. But, for clothes I still prefer the traditional way of shopping where I can actually try the clothes and see as to how they look on me.

Do you send and receive email regularly?

Not very regularly I would say. But, with me signing up for so many websites and groups, the inbox these days is filled up with some or other email from any website or company. I usually mail when it is some official work, otherwise I prefer the social media sites.

Who do you usually communicate with?

On email, most of the times the people I communicate with are either my managers or for the best part, the people who like my blog and comment and give suggestions. Also, I interact with my clients. I being a freelance blogger, am associated with two sites apart from the one that I run for myself.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st December


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