BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th December



What is your name?

My name is Dalip Kumar.

Can I see your ID?

Here it is! This is my passport.

Where are you from?

I belong to Jaipur which is in the state of Rajasthan.

What do you do?

I’ve recently completed my graduation in Business Administration, and at the moment, I work for Infosys as a business consultant.

Can you describe your work?

I interact with clients to find the right solution to the problems that they’ve identified in the request for proposal. As a part of the request for proposal (RFP) process, I travel to the client location/office to understand their business environment, do a detailed study of their business operations; post this I’ve detailed sessions/workshops with the clients to finalize our approach on implementing their business processes at our offshore/onshore location.

Do you like dreams?

Yes, I do because only in dreams you don’t apply your logic but it’s your dream that dictates you. Moreover, in dreams one could do all unimaginable things which may be quite far from reality.

Do you remember some of dreams?

Yes, I do. Not all of them but a few of them I remember. I also remember some of the dreams that I used to have as a child. I used to have wild imaginations like I had wings attached to my back and I was all out like a bird and flying from one place to another.

Do you think dreams have meanings?

To some extent, I correlate dreams to our imagination and there’s in fact a strong relation between what you imagine and what you’ve in dreams. I’m not an expert in analyzing or studying dreams but my rough assumption suggests me that it-s a pure reflection of what we think day in, day out (=continuously, repeatedly).


A Plant, vegetable or crop you are familiar with

What is the plant

Where is it grown in your country

Why it is important


India is a diverse country. There are many kinds of plants in India. All the plants are useful in some way or the other. The plant I am going to talk about here is the bamboo plant. It is very versatile and useful plant. There are more than 1500 species of this plant all over the world. It can be grown in a multitude of habitat from sea level to 12000 ft. it is one of the most adaptable plants with many uses.

For instance, it can grow in much degraded soils. Because of this it can be used to repair soil damaged by overgrazing and poor agricultural techniques. In addition it has a complex root network. This is deal for preventing soil erosion and flooding. Unlike most trees species, harvesting does not kill the bamboo. So, topsoil erosion and other adverse effects of trees felling are kept to a minimum.

The most important point is that bamboo can absorb as much as 12 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare per year. So, this plant can play a great role in stabilizing our country’s atmosphere.

It can prove an eco-friendly alternative to slow-growing hardwoods. It is also being used by the construction industry for wooden flooring. It is very durable.


Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?

Yes, in my country India, folks are growing plants at home and home gardening is very famous in urban areas. People grow different sorts of plants like as: all types of flowers, aloe Vera, green chili, okra and so on. Children also like gardening as a hobby.

Do old people grow plants?

Definitely, old folks love too much as well as, they have proper knowledge related to planting. My uncle likes planting at home. He always guides me related to planting and he has a small garden in the backyard as well as, he grows many sorts of flowers, vegetables and so on.

How do schools teach students to grow plants?

Actually, the school does not teach these types of things because, I know about school management as well as, sometimes schools are organized environment activities and teachers give the information to students how to take care the plants and environment. cutting trees are very dangerous for human beings.

What is the main plant in your country?

India is a diverse country and Indian people are enjoying all types of climate and all sorts of plants grow here as well as, every plant have own importance. Banana plant has its own importance because banana tree roots are used in many medicines. the banana tree is a very pious tree which symbolizes Lord Vishnu. People worship the tree on Thursday for a good future.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th December


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