BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th December



What is your full name?

My name is Satveer Kaur.

Can I see your ID?

Here it is! This is my passport.

Where are you from?

I belong to Jaipur which is in the state of Rajasthan.

Are you working or study?

At present, I am pursuing my bachelor of education in Desh Bhagat College.

Are you satisfied with your study?

Yes, I am, because of this course I can get job in reputed company, also its very interesting for me and improved my knowledge.

Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?

Usually I use pencil because at the time of mistakes I can erase its, sometimes, for making assignments, I give preference to pen.

When was the last time you bought pen or pencil?

If my memory serves me well, last Monday I used pen because my teachers gave me homework and I had to save it for long time, so I used pen.

How would you react if someone sent you a pen as a gift?

I appreciate, because it will be best gift for me that I can use in my daily routine.

Should children learn science?

I think yes, because with the help of this students can learn about basic elements and in this modern area, it is impossible to imagine life without science.

Why is it helpful?

The main thing is that students can know about human body, new inventions and chemical, with the help of this they can enhance their knowledge.

Did you have science class in primary or high school?

Yes, as I belong to Punjab and science subject is compulsory since first standard to till matriculation.


A recent performance that you enjoyed.

You should say:

– What it was?

– When you watched it?

– Who you were with?

– Why you watched it and how you felt about it?


From my childhood, I have been a very big fan of Punjabi music. And my favourite singer is Diljeet Dosanjh. Two months ago, I came to know from my friends, who are also big fans of Diljeet, that he was coming to Jalandhar was a concert. So, we were all very excited.

Nowadays, tickets are only sold online and as Diljeet is very popular in Punjab his concert tickets get sold out within minutes. We were worried that we might miss it and so the day the tickets were to become available, we all decided to get together at my house as I have the fastest internet. The tickets became available at 12 PM and by 12:05 we had booked them and got the confirmation. I think that’s when I first felt that I was really going to attend his concert.

Till then I kept thinking that something might go wrong- for example my internet would stop working or that we would be too slow to buy the tickets. Now I just had to wait for the day of the concert and time couldn’t have passed more slowly.

But finally, the day arrived. The performance started at 7.00 PM. However, before Diljeet there were two more Punjabi singers. They were really good, but we all wanted to hear Diljeet Singh. Finally, he came out on the stage at around 8:00 PM and we all just went crazy. I think for whole four-five minutes the crowd kept chanting Diljeet’s name. But as soon as he started singing, everyone kept quiet. His voice in person was even better than his videos online.

Another thing I noticed was that even though it was winter, he was sweating so much. It made me appreciate him even more. All I could wish at that moment was that the night would never end but like all good things it did. But still I was one of the best moments of my life and I cannot wait for his next concert.


What is the difference between watching the performance live and watching it on TV?

There is huge difference between watching performances on television and live. First is person can get chance to interact with performers, he/she can see them in reality, and also they can get autograph from their favourite ones. For example, last Sunday, I watch live show of famous Punjabi singer in my area that was the first time for me; I took autograph as well as selfie with him. If I talk about television, they manipulate the performance like they edit many things from that, individuals cannot see the actual performance.

Should children learn drama from academies?

Of course, students should learn drama from academics because it’s long been understood that a study of drama at elementary, middle and high school level helps students to improve in a wide range of areas such as self confidence, self esteem, self expression ,communication, collaboration and most important imagination .

Are children learning it from schools?

Definitely, children can learn drama from school because there are number of schools in India which are giving drama classes like whole-class drama on week base in this whole class have to perform spontaneously interacting in role together in the same scenes for significant amounts of time.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th December


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