BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th December



What is your full name?

My name is Lovepreet Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Love.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Who do you live with?

I live there with my wife and little baby son.  

Is it a big place?

It’s pretty big for a flat. It has 3 large bedrooms, one for my wife and I and one for my son when he gets older. It also has a smaller bedroom that I use as a study and to store things in. The kitchen is small but it is part of a big open plan living room, so there is lots of space for the family.

How is your apartment decorated?

I don’t like lots of over the top decoration, so I guess you would describe it as minimalist. The walls are all white and the furniture is also either white or black. There are very few ornaments or pictures because again, I like to keep things quite minimal and I hate clutter.

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

I really like where I live but it is really far from where I work in the centre of town. It takes around 45 minutes to drive there by motorbike and in the hot season and wet season it can be really uncomfortable, so we will consider moving closer to the centre in a year or so.

Do you have a garden?

That’s the best part of where we live, we have a huge garden. It takes around 40 minutes to walk around it. It has a few play parks for the kids, a number of gyms and four small lakes. We are really lucky to have it and I try to go for a walk around it every day, if I have time.

Are there many amenities?

Not really, because it is on the edge of town. If you want to go for a nice meal, use a swimming pool, go shopping or head out for a drink, you really have to drive for about 30 minutes. That’s the major drawback, but if you are organised and buy everything when you are in the centre of town, it’s not so bad.


Describe a piece of clothing you have that was given by someone

– What it was

– Who gave it to you

– When you got that

– And say whether you liked this piece of clothing or not.  


Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. In India, it is tradition that at the wedding time, every relative comes with some pieces of clothes for all family. At my brother’s marriage, I also got some pairs of shirts and pants. I would like to talk about those moments briefly.

It was about 3 years ago at the time of my brother’s marriage. We organized a big party at invited all of our relatives. Every relative came with some gifts and pairs of clothes for each member of our family. Generally these clothes are not good to wear as there are so many cheap materials available to give people in these occasions. But one of my relative came with branded clothes because they knew my choice.

It was an Armani suit. I became so happy to see that. Because due to having all program’s responsibilities on me, I didn’t have any time to go for shopping. And I was sad for this. But when I saw this dream I got so happy because it was just like my planning to wear in the marriage.

So, I decided to wear it in marriage. It was looking so nice and fit on me as everyone praised me that I am looking beautiful in this suit. I was so happy because my relative has helped me to wear my favorite suit. Without them, I didn’t have any idea whether I will have a time to buy it or not.


What types of outfit should people prefer to wear at the office?

According to me, people should wear formal clothes at work. They also should wear casual dresses during work time. For example, in multinational companies, all staff have a code white shirts and black pants in summers. In winters, they wear a white shirt and grey pant with grey matching coat. Moreover, all people should follow the formal dress code during work time. In my office, all female staff members wear white shirts, sky blue skirts with a red scarf. It looks very attractive as well as amazing.

What type of clothes do people wear after their jobs?

After the long hours, people always prefer to wear comfortable clothes. Mostly the time they wear t-shirts, trousers, and shorts. These types of clothes are more comfortable compared to others. But, if anyone goes outside after work. At that time, they wear fancy clothes, jeans, shirts, and many other things.

What do you think shopping through social sites is better?

According to my experience, online shopping no more good as compared to regular shopping. The main reason is a lot of time they show and we order that particular product. But unfortunately, we receive another one. Then, at the time, we feel very bad. That’s why I believe online shopping is not better.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th December


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