BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th December



What is your name?

My name is Rahul Verma.

Can I see your ID?

Sure, here! It is.

Are you studying or working?

I am currently studying in the final year of my graduation studies. It’s a 3 years degree programme in Bachelor of Arts and I am completing it in the prestigious Delhi University.

Which is your favourite subject?

I like economics subject the most though all the subjects are quite interesting. It is because economics is the subject which deals with studying about GDP, consumerism, finance, wealth, banking etc. It is about the study of how people, in their real life, utilize resources. Since it is more practical and applicable in my life, I find this subject as the most fascinating one.

Why do you like this subject?

As said earlier, I find this subject very much close to my real life. All the principles and concepts that are taught in this subject are useful to deal with the real life financial problems as well. This is the reason I think learning this subject would be really helpful for me.

Why did you choose to study in your chosen discipline?

I chose to study Bachelor of Arts since I am quite concerned about learning arts subjects such as history, geography, economics etc. which, if I learn, would help me to clear civil services exam which is my future career goal. Other than this, I think it is quite easy for me to learn subjective courses which I like to study in my free time also. When I study these subjects, I don’t feel my studies like a burden. Rather, I enjoy learning more and more about these subjects.


Describe the best experience of your school/university life you have had

You should say

What it was,

when it was,

why it happened,

and explain why it was the best of experience


It was almost 8 years since I competed in an English Speaking Contest, standing on a big stage in front of a hundred-strong crowd to deliver one of the best speeches I’ve ever given with the support of my friends. That was something you can never forget in your whole life and the most magnificent moment, bar none, of my high school highlights.

Never had it crossed my mind that one day I would be on stage talking about the thing I treasured most in my life – my family and friends or just be qualified enough to represent the entire school compete at such competition. If it hadn’t been for my English teacher’s constant encouragement, I wouldn’t have participated in the contest in the first place. Students were free to choose their topics and were asked to present it in front of a panel of judges and audience.

It sounded intimidating for so many reasons but I had managed to subdue my anxiety and learned to believe in myself. Preparation for D-day was tough for everyone, both emotionally and physically. We kept practicing nonstop for 4 hours straight, every single day; me trying to perfect my pronunciation and acquire that American accent, my friends singing their heart out Miley Cyrus’s song “True Friend” since we wanted to kick our performance up the notch by featuring some musical element.

Our hard work had finally paid off with us bringing home the Champion Cup as well as Best Performance Award. It brought me to  tears as I realized at that moment it wouldn’t have mattered if we hadn’t won because we already won when we got over ourselves, stepped out of our comfort zone and kept going till the end. That was our true victory. Until now, the lesson I’ve learnt 8 years ago still has its Own value and will always be there to remind me of those good old days.


What are some popular subjects that university students study in your country? Why?

 For years, we have seen that subjects Like computer science, computer engineering. electrical engineering. pharmacy, business administration, medical science, public administration, international relationship, marine science and engineering, and other engineering subjects (like architectural and mechanical engineering) have remained popular. These subjects have remained popular primarily because they offer better employment and earning opportunities. They are popular also because they usually bring a greater social status and prestige for people that are not exactly associated with other subjects.

Do you think that university education should be free for students? Why/Why not?

No, I don’t really like to subscribe to the idea that university education should be free for students because that would tempt students to take education for granted, meaning that they wouldn’t possibly be enough serious about their studies. Besides, free education would also mean that universities wouldn’t probably have enough funds to put forth for high-level research works and structural improvements (i.e. building new university residences and faculty halls) which would certainly harm the interests of students in the long run.

Do you think students from all majors should study subjects like math and history? Why/Why not?

In principle, I am in favour of studying all subjects, including math and history, because the more we learn, the better will it prepare us to face the challenges of the real world. Studying math equip us more analytical and reasoning capabilities which may prove out to be crucial in looking for a solution for complicated problems while studying history would allow us to take a more informed decision in the light of previous success and failures for identical problems or challenges.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th December


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