BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st December



What is your full name?

My name is Lovedeep Kumar.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Did you have a pet when you were younger?

Well, I used to have two cats and a dog when I was in kindergarten. I always love having pets around because I enjoy their company, and… honestly, I’m a bit scared to be alone in my house.

What kinds of animals do people like to have as a pet?

I believe it depends on personal preference. For me, I must say I am a hundred percent a cat person. It is almost impossible for me to go a day without seeing my cat. But some of my friends really prefer dogs since dogs are loyal and cheerful.

Do you think city is a suitable place to keep pets?

Yes, I mean why not. So far my cat’s been more than okay living in my apartment; he’s clean, well-fed and very healthy. But of course, it would be more enjoyable for animals to live in the countryside since the air is cleaner and there is a lot more space for them to run around.

Do you like being alone?

Oh, sometimes I do but again, all of us do once in a while, right? But honestly, most of the time, I would prefer not to be alone, which is why I have pets. They never fail to make me feel warm and welcome, sometimes even more than my friends.


Describe an occasion that you travelled with your vehicle being broken down
• Who you were with
• What happened to the vehicle
• How long it took to get the vehicle repaired
and how you feel after the vehicle was repaired.


Today I would like to tell you about my ride last weekend when my bike broke down halfway back home.

It was such a bright and sunny day that I decided to take my 3-year-old bike out for a ride to enjoy the sights along the street. Unlike other scorching hot days, it was one of those rare summer days when the temperature was about 26 Celsius degree, which was perfect for a nice ride around the city. I was fairly confident that my beloved bike would take me home safely as it still looked rather new and had been running flawlessly ever since.

Following some of my favorite roads, I made my way to Ton Duc Thang Street, enjoying the views of Sai Gon River and Bach Dang Wharf along the bank. The ride went well and smoothly until I set out to return home. While riding along a secondary road, I noticed that the chain of my bike suddenly fell off.

I panicked for a while, before deciding to pull over in a park nearby. At that time, I was as sweaty as the temperature began to rise. Luckily enough, I came across a bike-repair shop on the pavement just after 10 minutes of walking. The repair was quick, so I did not have to wait for so long under the harsh sun.

It was a bit disappointing that the trip turned out to be a weary one, not as perfect as I expected. Another reason which let me down was that my lovely bike broke down only after three years. I guess it needs to be maintained more frequently from now on.


Do you think public transport in your country is more suitable for the elderly or youngsters?

I think it is convenient for both groups of ages. For senior residents, it can be seen that most of them are not able to control a vehicle themselves anymore. Therefore, using public transport such as buses or trains is one of their top choices. Besides, young commuters whose houses are far away from their workplace can save a huge amount of travel costs when using public transport to travel to work every day.

What kinds of public transport does your country have?

The most common type of public transport that can be seen in big cities of Vietnam is obviously buses. Needless to say, they are super convenient, especially for university students because travelling by this means of transport helps them greatly to save their budget. As far as I know, HCMC is now in progress of constructing the first metro line, with the corporation of Japanese investors. I hope this metro system will be operational soon.

Are there any problems with the public transport system in your city?

Surely there are several. Based on what I’ve noticed recently, one of the problems is that buses are too old that they release a huge amount of exhaust fumes into the air, which does great harm to the environment. That’s why the authorities should consider upgrading the bus system or replacing old ones.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st December


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