BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th July



What is your full name?
My name is Akanksha Rani.

How may I address you?
You may address me as Akanksha.

May I see your ID?
Sure, here it is.

Let’s talk about shopping.

How often do you go shopping?
I don’t go shopping very often. Well, I generally stop at a store a few times a week to pick up something small, pens, maybe, or something like that, my everyday needs. But I don’t make major shopping trips very often, maybe once a month, maybe even less than that. I just don’t need to buy very many things.

What kinds of shops are there in your neighborhood?
My neighborhood is residential, so there are very few businesses. We have a small grocery store. It has a limited assortment of things for sale, and they’re more expensive than at a supermarket, so we really just use that store for convenience. We use it when we need only one or two things and don’t want to go all the way to the supermarket, which is farther away. We also have a drugstore and a small bookstore that sells newspapers and magazines as well as books. Those are all the shops we have. We usually have to go to another part of the city to go shopping.

What kinds of things do you usually shop for?
I don’t have to shop for groceries or anything for the house because my mother does that, so I just have to buy the things I need. Once or twice a year I buy the clothes I need for school. Besides that, I like to buy CDs and DVDs and things for my computer, and I have to buy the things I need for school, books and pens and things like that.

Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not?
I don’t think shopping is very interesting. If I need something, I buy it. If I don’t need anything, there’s no reason to go to the store. I know some people think of shopping like a hobby or a sport, but I don’t. I just think of it as a necessity. Well, sometimes I like to go to the store and look through the music and movies that are for sale, just because I like to look at them. Then sometimes I’ll buy a movie that maybe I hadn’t been planning on buying. But most of the time I never think about shopping unless there’s something I particularly need.

What are some o f your favorite foods?
I like all different kinds of foods. I especially like to try foods from different countries. I like dishes that are served with rice and noodles and that have a lot of vegetables. I don’t like meat very much. I almost never eat it. I don’t like sweet things too much either.

Who does the cooking at your house?
My mother does almost all the cooking at my house. She’s a very good cook, and I always enjoy the meals she prepares. Sometimes I do some of the cooking, or one of my brothers or sisters might cook a meal occasionally. My mother has taught all of us to cook, so we help her out in the kitchen from time to time. But she does most of the cooking.

Do you prefer eating at home or in restaurants? Why?
I like eating at home because, as I said, my mother always prepares delicious meals. And usually it’s more convenient to eat at home. But I like eating in restaurants, too. The food is different, and it’s really fun to get together with my friends at a restaurant. But it’s also expensive to eat out, so I don’t do it very often.

What kinds of restaurants do you enjoy eating in?
I like eating in restaurants that specialize in food from other countries. I like to try all different kinds of foods. My favorite thing to do is to go to a restaurant that has a style of cooking I haven’t tried before and just choose something from the menu. Most of the time, I end up with a dish, I really like. It’s a fun adventure to try different kinds of food. We have a lot of different restaurants in my city, so I have a lot of opportunities to try new kinds of foods.

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Describe something you would like to do if you were given a day off

What would you like to do?

Who would you like to be with?

Where would you like to do it?

– Explain how you would feel at the end of the day


Everyone looks forward to holidays or day off. Life is very hectic nowadays. We all want to do so many things, but time seems to fly. If I were given a day off, I would like to visit Chandigarh, and want to visit Chandigarh, especially the Rock Garden, with my friends. I have heard a lot about the tourist attractions of Chandigarh and want to visit it once. Rock Garden is very different from the conventional gardens as there are no trees and plants in it like other parks.

I would like to go with my friends – Ravi, Rohan and Rajinder. Ravi will take his car and we will share the expenses of diesel. We will see many places like Rose Garden, Sukhna Lake, Mini zoo and the Rock Garden. The Rock Garden by Nek Chand is very interesting because it is made entirely of trash. About 5000 people visit the rock garden daily. It has around 5000 sculptures. It is a unique garden that consists of various art objects.

But the best part about the rock garden is that all artwork has been made by using waste material. The Rock garden has become immensely popular. Rock Garden has been established in the form of an open-air exhibition hall. The garden has sculptures made by using a variety of different discarded waste materials like frames, mudguards, forks, handle bars, metal wires, play marbles, porcelain, anti parts, broken bangle etc. The garden highlights the values of materials many people consider trash.

People come from different parts of the world to see this amazing garden. It is located in Sector 1 near the Sukhna Lake. Nek Chand received the PadamShri in 1983 for his efforts. Unfortunately, Nek Chand is no more now. A sculpture also appeared on an Indian postage stamp. The Chandigarh Rock Garden is now acknowledged as one of the modern wonders of the world. I will spend the whole day with my friends and come back by evening.

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Are people busy in recent years?
Yes, people are very busy in recent years. Life has become very hectic. Competition is very stiff. People are working harder and harder to fulfill their desires. Most people have enough, but they went even more.

What do people in your country like to do if they are not busy?
If people are not busy, they like to spend time with family and friends. They go out for watching movies and doing window-shopping. Some just like to relax at home. Some people like to spend time on their hobbies, like gardening, knitting, painting etcetera.

Do you like short holiday or long holidays?
I like short holidays, because it gives me rest and relaxation at frequent intervals. I like to burn myself in my studies/work for five days. And enjoy two days at the end of the week.

Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?
Modern lifestyle is all about choices. Modern gadgets give us more time because, they do our work in minutes, which we earlier used to do in hours. Unfortunately, we choose to work even more in that time, instead of relaxing. So, it looks as if modern lifestyle is very hectic and busy and there is no time for leisure.

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