BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd July


PART – 1 INTRO PART        

What is your full name?

My name is Raina Garg.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Raina.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Describe the place you live now.

I live in a small apartment that isn’t far from the university. It has two bedrooms, and I share it with a classmate.

Do you think it’s better to live in a house or in an apartment? Why?

For me, it’s better to live in an apartment/flat. A house is too expensive. Anyway, even if I had the money for a house, I wouldn’t have the time to care for it.

Describe your neighborhood.

The neighbourhood/neighborhood is in a good location. We’re close to the bus and train. We have some good restaurants, and it’s easy to buy food here. We’re downtown/in the city centre, but it’s safe.

How do people choose their place to live?

They choose where to live based on location, money and what is available. If they need a roommate/flat mate like me, they also need to think about that.

Describe your family. Are you married? Do you have children? Brothers and sisters?

I’m not married yet. I have a younger brother who still lives at home with my parents. I have an older sister who got married recently. I don’t live with my family now because I’m studying in a different city.

What are some things you enjoy doing with other members of your family?

When my brother and I are together, we always like to play soccer. We play it a lot at the park near my parents’ house. We watch soccer matches on TV, too. Sometimes when I visit my sister, we cook a meal together, or we sit around and talk about old times.

Who in your family are you particularly close to? Why?

This might sound funny, but I am close to my mother. She is someone I can always count on. If I have a problem at school, I can tell her about it and she helps me figure out a solution. My father isn’t like that. It’s harder to talk to him.

Do you spend more time with your family or with friends? Why?

Right now I spend more time with my friends because I’m living away from home. Also, I have a lot in common with them. We take a lot of the same classes, so we help each other study. When we have free time, we enjoy doing the same things, like going to the movies or going to parties.


Describe a class (or course) you studied.

You should say,

– What the subject (or course) was

– Where you studied it

– How long the class/course was

– What the contents of the course/class were and explain how you have benefited from the class (or course)


I was always fascinated by the different languages, so I decided to learn French in school but it was very basic. As I grew older I realized that a language is a doorway to a particular culture, and learning a new language enables a person to have a broader understanding of that race or culture.

With intent to fine-tune my French language my father enrolled me at Alliance Francoise, Ahmadabad for summer crash course. It’s an internationally recognized French language school and culture centre. It’s situated not far away from mu home, and I remember having a joined twice in the past – in fact, back years to master French language.

The crash course was of two-month length which included from Level A1 to Level B1 level of this language. This course gave me an opportunity to practice French. I participated in various activities of discussion and watched a few short French movies with the subtitles. It was full of fun and unlimited learning.

Later in my career, I took it seriously to further fine-tune my language. This whole exercise bore the position fruitions. I became a multi linguist, armed with my mother tongue, regional language and of course, Hindi language along with English and French language. During my learning of the language, I read a lot of French literature, practice on my accent and pronunciation like a native speaker. We were given many exercises on how to enhance our proficiency and it was then tested by the formal examinations.

I wanted to work part time in the hospitality industry for fun. Yes, heard me right for fun. So, I applied the skills of French language at few heritage hotels where they have foreign guests who are not well versed with English Language. The MD Hotel hired me and my job was to communicate with the guests in their dialect and introducing them to our culture. Apart from earning a very good, remuneration, it has opened many doors in terms of meeting people across the globe.


Do other people ever ask you for advice or help about that subject?

Yes, people have approached me to help them after getting to know that I earn pretty well through this job which is fun, interesting. Some people some to me because they want to translate something technical or academic material from French to Hindi or Gujarati or the other way round. I don’t mind it since it’s a thankful job at the end of the day.

Do many adults who have been working for some time return to a college of some sort for further studies?

I guess they do because there’s a universal unemployment problem going on at the moment. Extra skills on any specialty are given the first priority by medium and large corporations because there are able to save some cost incurred on the human talent. There’s another group of people who really want to be multitasking or for the sake of interest they return to the school at the later stage.

Who pays for this adult education?

There are certain courses subsidized by the government or students pay from their pockets to the courses available in the private colleges. In some cases, corporations sponsor their employees for some courses by which both the parents reap benefits in the long run.

In the future, do you think more adults will enroll in courses of study?

 Yes, I think more adults will be enrolling in courses of study, maybe to help satisfy their personal needs and achieve their professional goals. Some universities have introduced online distance learning courses to tap this market and the student numbers are growing for sure.

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3 years ago

Thnku so much

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