BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th February


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th February
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th February



What is your full name?

My name is Ayushi Mehra.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ayushi.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you work or study?

Presently, I’m studying as well as working.

Do you think that your job is too hard?

No, not all as it is a part-time job. I handle clients at a lifestyle store; this job helps me fund my music class.

What do you usually do after work?

I normally finish by 8 in the evening, and then I’ve music class from 8.30 to 10.00. I reach home by 10.30 and the day ends for me.

Did you go to parks during your childhood?

Yes, as a child my grandparents would take me every evening to a park which was close to our house and my grandfather would help me swing.

How often do you go to the parks now?

I do go this park early morning as it has a nice walking track. A lot of old and young people come to walk and there’s a lady who holds her Yoga classes out there. One Sundays, sometimes all friends meet in the garden and play games and gossip.

Do you think parks are important for people?

Yes, parks are very important for people, coming to a park after a tiring day refreshes us, the non-pollution air, and greenery, free from noise pollution. One can relax and calm themselves. A family can get to spend some quality time at the parks with their families. Parks are very important especially for those people who are unable to afford to go to any recreational clubs. Parks help them to have some quality time without having to pay any fees.


Describe a TV series you enjoy watching

You should say:

• What it is

• What it’s about

• When you first watched it


And explain why you like watching it. Well, I would like to talk about The Walking Dead, which is an American television drama series I have recently become crazy about.

As you might know, The Walking Dead is the most popular TV show on air at the moment and everybody across the globe is watching it. It portrays the world after a zombie apocalypse, where society has crumbled and there is no government anymore to take care of the people’s welfare. I first watched this series about 3 years ago and I immediately fell in love with it, and since then I’ve become really fond of horror movies as well.

The show stars many talented and famous actors, which is one of the main reasons why I love this series. Andrew Lincoln is the actor who plays the leading role of a police officer and I think he leaves the most significant impression on the audience and me, mainly because of his outstanding acting skills and the devotion he puts into every scene.

Interestingly enough, my favourite part about this show is the make-up of the various kinds of zombies, with each and every one of them having to go through an elaborate makeup process to achieve the extremely realistic looks they are able to get.

So as I was saying earlier, I really have had a great interest in the idea of a Zombie apocalypse ever since I was a kid and I even dreamt of living in one once. But apart from that though, I think that this series has a very stimulating plot and many unexpected twists which raise great suspense and excitement for viewers.

I just simply cannot get enough of this show and I can’t wait for the opening of the next season.


Are drama series popular in your country? Why?

Sadly, no. Although Gossip Girls was a phenomenon in America, not many people were aware of it in my country. I believe the limited exposure to foreign culture – especially American – as well as the unavailability of cable TV at that time were two main reasons. The very first episode was aired in 2007, roughly 10 years ago and during that time, my country was not as open and liberated as it is now.

Therefore, American drama series such as Gossip Girls with lots of unfamiliar practices and lifestyle were not particularly well-received, which also leads us to the second point. Since Gossip Girls contained several sensitive contents, not overly but still, it was not broadcast on TV or other online websites. However, things have changed considerably and nowadays, some youngsters have started to watch the show as it is highly recommended and really enjoy it.

What is the difference between young people and old people’s favorite TV drama? Why?

Youngsters and older people may have some different taste in TV drama, but not by much, I believe. Young adults are more into movies with lots of excitement or supernatural factors such as science-fiction, thriller, superhero or comedy. Some of the most popular TV drama series nowadays like Games of Thrones, The Walking Dead or Supernatural all fall under these categories. Meanwhile, older generations tend to value shows that have certain meanings or messages rather than visual effects themselves. Family-friendly dramas or sit-coms are some of their favorites. However, there are also exceptions.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th February


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