BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th February


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th February
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th February



What is your full name?

My name is Amandeep Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Amandeep.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Who do you trust the most?
Absolutely my mother. She was my very first best friend in life and always has my back and keeps my secrets. Throughout the ups and downs of my life, my mother has always stood by my side, and given me support whenever I have been in need.

Have you ever lost trust in someone?
Yes, my best friend, Jack who used to be my closest confidant until I saw him getting intimate with my crush, even though he knew that had deep affection for her. Then, we drifted apart and our friendship came to a halt. After that, frustrating and unpleasant memories about a bad friend in the past obsess me whenever somebody strikes up a conversation with me.

What kind of people do you trust?
I guess only our family members are trustworthy and willing to help us wholeheartedly. After being betrayed by my best friend, I can hardly put faith in anybody else. I am afraid that when I confide in someone, he or she may share my secrets with others.

Do you eat a lot?
No, I’m trying to maintain a healthy diet. As a person who is prone to weight gain, I have to refrain myself from eating my favorite foods, especially after 7PM. In the past, I used to be an obese person with an insatiable appetite for food, so I avoid eating too much now.

Do you like eating healthy food?
I love it. Healthy food like veggies or fruits is highly beneficial to my health as it helps me to stay physically fit and avoid cardiovascular diseases. Besides, this kind of food is scrumptious when used as ingredients for mouth-watering salads.


Describe your approach to time management

You should say:

– Why you take time management seriously

– How you manage your time

– What problems you face


Time management is essential. It helps me maximise my daily productivity while leaving time out to rest. Everyone should incorporate some element of time management into their lives if they want to be successful.

Furthermore, it is really not that hard. Here’s how I do it. Every evening, I make a to-do list of the tasks to accomplish the next day. I arrange them in order of importance and urgency. This is my biggest tip. When you already know what you have to do, you get way more done than if you were just doing things without a plan. And planning out the next day’s activities takes less than ten minutes. I don’t understand why more people don’t do it.

Punctuality is one important aspect. I try my best to be on time for whatever engagement I have. It is respectful to all the parties involved. For that, I plan ahead. I absolutely hate someone being late. It shows they have no regard for my time. Exceptions exist, of course. Things like traffic and accidents are not in our control. Such situations are understandable. 

Of course, I’m not perfect. Unforeseen things happen outside of my control. I might be late to appointments. I might not accomplish my daily goals. In such scenarios, it is best to simply own up and ensure it never happens again.


How do you organize your time?

I plan out what I want to do during a particular day the night before. I prioritise my tasks and order them based on urgency and importance.

Do you think young people organize their time in the same way?

Of course not. Some young people – like me – like to be meticulous in how we plan out our time. It helps us get more things done. Others prefer to make little to no plans at all. They feel more comfortable leaving their day open to improvisation and opportunities.

Are you ever late for anything?

I certainly try not to be, but that is not always possible. I was late for work a few times last week. Thankfully, I didn’t face any issues as I was stuck in heavy traffic.

How do you feel when you are late for an appointment?

Again, I try my best not to be, but it does happen on occasion. When it does, I feel incredibly guilty, as I hate keeping other people waiting. I profusely apologise to everyone waiting. 

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th February


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