BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th February


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th February
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th February



May I know your full name?

My full name is Bhupinder kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Bhupinder.

Can I see you ID?

Here is my passport.

Where do you come from?

I am from Phagwara.

Do you like robots?

Yes I like robots as they can do so much for us these days. There are simple robots to clean the houses and sophisticated ones to perform surgeries.

What kind of robot would you like to have?

Recently, I have heard about a robot that cleans your home. I would like to buy one. It is like an automatic vacuum cleaner that picks up the dirt from all the nooks and corners.

Will robots change society significantly?

Yes, robots will bring changes in society. In fact, they have already done so. Most of the jobs that were done manually earlier are now performed with the help of robotics and with more precision.

Do you play any indoor games?

Yes, I play carom board and cards with my siblings and parents.

Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?

It depends on the weather outside. On hot summer afternoons, I play indoor games. But, when the weather is good, I play cricket and badminton outside with my friends.

What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

I played carom board, Ludo and snakes and ladders as a child.

Is there any particular indoor game that you like (when you were a child)?

I liked Lido and snakes and ladders.

What sorts of indoor games do children play now?

Nowadays, children are of the digital era. They play electronic games on the computer.


Describe an important technological product you bought

You should say:

What it is

– How you use it

– Why you bought it

– And why you think it is important


I have bought a number of technological products, and the most significant one is my cell phone. That’s a Mac book Pro, which can be seen as the masterpiece of Apple. Due to its astonishing features, this laptop is prohibitively priced and only suitable for well-
off people. However, after many months working, I have saved up enough money to buy one.

I caught sight of this laptop quite accidentally. That was a peaceful weekend when I was chilling out by binge watching my favorite movies on my old laptop. By chance, an advertisement popped up, announcing a newly-released mobile gadget from Apple, a tech behemoth in the US. You know, I was mesmerized by its nicely-designed appearance at first sight, which was the reason why I was determined to save money for it.

This is a very important tech device to me, as it was the very first thing that I bought without asking for my parents’ money. I mean, I just bought it with my own monthly allowance, after many months refraining myself from buying trendy clothes or delicious cups of milk tea to have enough money for this I phone. It also helps me relax, keep in touch with other family members and seek information on the internet. That’s why I think this laptop is super important.


Which technological product do you think is the most useful at home?
I guess the most useful tech product in people’s house is the computer. I mean, it serves as a very helpful tool for us to seek information without having to go to the library and spending hours with piles of books. There is one more reason why I believe computers is greatly helpful is that it offers us easy access to up-to-date information on online news, which is nearly free of charge.

Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future?
No, I don’t think so. I claim that teachers will play a leading role in the mission of educating students and will not be replaced. The reason for this is quite obvious. Only humans can understand humans most, which helps human teachers answer their students’ inquiries in the clearest way.

Do you think some technological products make people lazier?
Well, yes, it is quite embarrassing to say so. Because of the advent of mobile gadgets like smartphones or tablets, human beings enjoy staying indoors and gluing their eyes to the screens. They grow lazy and take part in less physical exercise, which put their health at risk. I mean, those who are addicted to technological products face a bigger threat from obesity, heart diseases and other lifestyle-related conditions.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th February


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