BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th February


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th February
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th February



What is your full name?

My name is Balmeet Kumar.

How may i address you?

You may address me as Balmeet.

May i see your ID?

Definitely, here it is.

How often do you like to hang out with friends?
I hang out with my friends from time to time. Normally if we have a lot of time at the weekends, we might go to the cinema to watch movies. We can take our kids to have a good time. If we don’t have that much time maybe we will just have dinner together in a restaurant.

Who do you usually like to hang out with?
Usually I like to hang out with one of my close friends. Actually we live in the same community so we can meet frequently. Also both of our kids are in the same class in kindergarten, so we like to take them to the park or playground together.

Where do you like to go when you hang out with your friends?
Well, that depends. Sometimes we go to a restaurant to enjoy tasty food if someone knows a decent place. But if we have plenty of time, we like to plan a hike or camp in a nearby forest park to enjoy the countryside. That would be a very memorable experience.

Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends?
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I would go with hanging out with a big group people because I feel that I am an extrovert. I like to meet different people and get to know about them and their different kinds of life. I like to be sociable whereas, you know, with few people around, it would be hard to find something interesting to do, such as travelling, hiking, etc.

Do you like trees?
Yes, I am a tree lover because trees let me breath more easily, and without them I couldn’t survive much longer.


Describe a memorable story told by someone

You should say:

– Who told you the story?

– When you heard the story

– What the story was about

– Why you found it memorable.


I would like to share a funny story that I heard from Julie, a friend of mine, a long time ago. It was a random day that our group hung out at a coffee shop and sat at the circle table near the window, as we usually do. This was our favourite spot. But that day, instead of ordering a cappuccino as I usually do, I decided to try a completely new drink – mojito mixed with some fruit, though I can’t remember exactly what.

The mojito looked good on the outside but its taste was unbearable to me. Despite my warning, Julie insisted on trying it. It turned out that she liked the drink very much and in that moment, she concluded that it tasted exactly like the toothpaste that she ate in her childhood. Learning of this incident, we were a bit shocked as to why she ate such a thing, so she continued to elaborate on her story.

She recalled that she indeed thought that the taste of toothpaste was delicious, and even she was banned from eating it by her parents, she secretly saved money to buy one for herself a few years later. She added that she sneakily hid the tube in the room and she could finish the whole thing in one go. We were frozen and all eyes were on her for a few seconds. Then we all burst into laughter. I still remember laughing so hard that my tears ran down.

I was indeed impressed by her story. As the matter of fact, it wasn’t the first time I had heard of someone enjoying eating toothpaste, but secretly saving money to do this was a surprise element and it was hilarious. And of course, it has become an inside joke between us since then.


Has storytelling changed over a period of time?

Yes, definitely. Everything changes with time. My grandmother used to tell me stories from her memory, and had no book in her hand. Now, I see my sister reads out stories to her children from the various books she buys from the market. Telling stories to children has also largely been replaced by watching TV. Grandparents, parents and children are glued to the TV screen for long hours and there is no time left for storytelling.

Which way is better, traditional storytelling or the use of technology in storytelling?

I believe the traditional method is much better. It has a personal touch and increases the bonding between parents or grandparents and children. Unfortunately, it is dying out and programmes like curious George and ChhotaBhim are taking its place.

Do you think that generally most of the people are good at storytelling?

It is very difficult to generalize and answer this question. One thing is sure, and that is that we all tell stories from time to time in our life. Some people are born story tellers and can bind their audiences for long periods of time. They can concoct stories on the spur of the moment. It is difficult to tell whether their stories are fake or real.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th February


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