BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th February


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th February
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th February



What is your full name?

My name is Ruchita Jain.

Can I see your ID?

Yes, here is my ID card.

Where are you from?

I am from Udaipur. I live there with my family.

Do you work or study?

I am a third year Economics student at the university.

Do you like the place where you live?

Yes, I do. We live in a nice peaceful area, almost on the outskirts of the city but very close to every vibe of the city. It is good place to live in.

Do you know your neighbours there?

Yes, we’ve had the same neighbours for many years. I’ve known then since I was a small child. They are good people.

Is this place suitable for children? Why?

Yes, it is. There are some good families who live in the neighbourhood. Our neighbourhood is safe and quite. There are two big gardens, and children can play in areas without having to go far away for playing.


Describe an expensive hobby you can’t pursue very often.

You should say:

– what it is

– why it is an expensive hobby

– why you wish to pursue it regularly

– and explain what you need to do to do it regularly.


Different people like to pursue different kinds of hobbies, depending on their interests, circumstances and financial abilities. Of course, there are hobbies which are very affordable. But, here I would like to talk about one particular hobby, I like to pursue often, which can be expensive.

I am talking about “travelling around the world”, which happens to be my most favourite hobby also, by the way. I also like to believe that there are very few people in this world, who don’t like to travel if they have enough means and opportunity. But, unfortunately, “travelling” can be expensive primarily because one has to pay a substantial amount of money for transportation and hotel costs, whether we are flying, taking a long train journey, or just travelling by bus. Of course, sometimes, we hear stories about how some people manage to travel by spending just a “few bucks”, but it is not always practically possible because prices vary in travel industry also, based on consumers’ demand.

Besides, I also have to pay for standard “lodging”, which can be expensive, unless I am staying at below-average hotel rooms with restricted food options and no transportation facilities. Finally, I also have to worry about paying for a “Travel Guide” when I am travelling to an unknown place with a completely different kind of lifestyles, culture and language.

By the way, I want to travel as often as I can because it would help me learn more about different cultures, lifestyles and backgrounds in a more positive light. I want to travel more often also because it gives me relief from the stress of life.

Anyway, if I want to travel on a more regular basis, I would first need to save up enough money by either working two jobs or find a job that requires extensive travelling. Then, I would also need to do some extensive research in order to find a way to travel in a cost-effective manner. Finally, I would also need to connect with a “network of world travellers” who could help me get enough information on affordable travel.


What kind of expensive things do people like to buy?
I think it varies from person to person, but generally, expensive things people buy involve clothes, technological gadgets like mobile phones and cars and motorcycles. The most expensive product that I own is an Apple computer.

What the difference between men and women in buying things?
I don’t think there is a major difference today. However, men sometimes make extravagant purchases like a costly watch or a mobile phone. Women, I think make purchases after careful consideration.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being rich?
I think the biggest advantage of being rich is that you can prioritize your health and fitness over anything else, while poor people sometimes have to sacrifice their health for money. The biggest disadvantage of being rich is that people are always ready to fleece you. People don’t feel guilty about cheating a rich person.

Why are some of the sports expensive? Are they for everyone?
Some of the sports, especially adventure sports, are expensive because they require licenses, trained professionals and expensive safety equipment. No, I don’t think everyone can afford them. Also, they are not for the faint of heart because of the risk involved.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th February


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