BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th February


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th February
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th February



What is your full name?

My name is Manpreet Kumar.

Can I see your ID?

Yes, here it is.

Where are you from?

I belong to Anand which is in the state of Gujarat.

Where is Anand?

It lies between Ahmadabad and Baroda in Gujarat.

Are you working or studying at the moment?

I am doing both. I am studying master of computer application at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), and work as a computer engineer with bombardier which is a Canadian company.

How much time do you spend using a computer?

I spend several hours every day using a computer because it’s an important part of my work. I try to stay away from the computer on weekends, but I’m not always successful at that because there are always so many things I want to do with it. Maybe I spend too much time on the computer. I don’t know. It’s a little bit addictive.

Do you use a computer more for work, study, or personal reasons?

The reason I’m on the computer so much is because I use it at work. Most of my work involves creating documents for the company. Because of that, the computer has become a habit for me, so I also end up using it a lot for personal reasons. So, I guess I could say the main reason I use it is for work, but it’s a big part of my personal life, too.

What different kinds of things do you do on the computer?

Besides creating documents at work, I use e-mail a lot to communicate with my work colleagues and also with my friends and relatives. I also keep a lot of personal records on the computer, like the family budget, photographs, and things like that. And I have to admit that I spend a lot of time playing computer games. That helps me relax when I’m working on a big project.


Describe a Female Leader You Would Like to Meet.

You should say:

– Who is she?

– What does she do?

– What would you ask her?

– and explain why would you like to meet her.


As we all know that leadership is primarily dominated by men, and to be very honest I don’t know many females because mainly males have an interest in such a field and try their luck in elections.

There is one particular female whom I adulate for her personality and traits and whom I wish to meet and that leader is our Union Health Minister Mrs. Sunita Mehra. So far She has gotten some Honors and awards during her political career, for example, a national award.

Being a female leader, she has made great changes in the field of politics and always remains in the headlines of news because of her two reasons. First of all, she is one of the best female leaders in the Indian constitution, and secondly, her prime focus is on the health of people particularly youngsters like me as youth is the future of every nation, therefore, she was chosen as our Health minister. She always says in her speech that it is very important for all youngsters to be mentally and healthy fit.

Every day in the news we read that many youngsters are dying of drug-abusing and she is really concerned about this happening as a result of it she announced to set up Rehabilitation centers in every city of my state Punjab. For the improvement of youth’s health, Mrs. Mehra granted 1 crore rupees to every city of Punjab for the construction and purchase of Gyms and its equipment that youngsters will take admissions in these gyms for their health’s fitness.

I have a couple of questions to ask her whenever I will have a chance to meet her. First, I would ask her when did she get an interest in politics and what was her strategy from the very first day she stepped in this field. Second, I would really love to know whether she is concerned about her own health or being caring towards the health of youth just for getting votes? If she is health-conscious then I will request her to explain what kind of exercises does he follow in order to keep herself fit and healthy.

Overall, honestly, due to I have not met any female leader, It’s not easy because I know that she is up to the ears in work. I’d love meeting and get her autograph. Meeting her will be a great pleasure.


What is a leader?

The leader is an individual who can think ahead of time. Who when the world is stressed over the results can make sense of an alternate method for getting things done and the person who in predicament doesn’t mishandle yet helps other people. A leader isn’t only the person who leads yet the person who unites individuals. Who encourage that it isn’t just about living alone yet being joined together and making incredible things.

Who are the first leaders who come to your mind?

Well, I don’t have that much interest in politics but I know many national and international leaders like Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Adolf Hitler, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher. These are a portion of the leader who strikes in my mind when I hear the word chief.

What makes those people great leaders?

I believe it is their will and determination, the consideration and the affection that they show and the ceaseless attitude that makes them incredible leaders. These are the individuals who consider others first and afterward about themselves. These are the individuals who can see more prominent’s benefits.

If you were the leader of your school, what changes would you make?

If I was the leader of the school, I think there are just a couple of things that I might want to change. One of them is punishment. I realize that punishment is an extraordinary method to teach individuals. Yet then I additionally accept that a little reward is never a terrible thing. Along these lines, in the event that one sees an individual getting punishment day by day. It may be conceivable that the person needs counseling and not simply one more punishment.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th February


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