BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th July



What is your full name?
My name is Manpinder Singh.

Can I see your ID?
Sure! Here it is.

Where are you from ?
I am born and raised in Delhi.

Do you work or study?
I am doing masters in professional accounting at Delhi University.

Can you tell me the western music’s impact on the world music?
Oh, it is a difficult question, the western music is definitely great, and it plays an important role on the world music. Many musical talents and eminent musicians have been trained in western country, such as Beethoven, Mozart and so on.

Do you think it’s necessary to open a music course in high school?
Yes, of course. There is usually 1 or 2 hours each week used for teaching music. I think there should be more, such as at least 3 or more.

What effects will take place u think to let children (students) study an instrument?
Music can do good to children (students) very much. It can elicit the imagination of children (students). Also, it teaches them how to distinguish beauty from nature.

It is often easier for children to learn music than adults. Can you tell me why?
Oh, that’s because it’s important to have soft fingers and palm to learn a music mechanism, such as guitar. Children have more flexible fingers and they are more likely to find the correct feeling.

Do you like music or not? Why?
I like music. I like singing, especially in front of many people. I often sing for my friends. When they praise me, I feel happy. Also, listening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshed from a day’s hard work and relax.

Describe the music you like most and tell me why?
I like classic music. It usually has a slow rhythm and a pleasant melody. Listening to the music; I can soon be refreshed from a day’s hard work and relax.

What are the differences in music between China and western countries?
Oh, it is a big question; in general, the symphony of western countries is long while most of Chinese music is small piece.


Describe a time when you made a mistake.
You should say:
• where you were
• what you were doing
• what mistake you made
• and explain what was the result of your mistake.


Today, I am going to share with you a time when I made a mistake. This situation happened last year when I had to attend a final exam for my business management qualification.

The test required candidates to use a calculator because the exam involved doing a lot of calculations. I was sure that putting the calculator into my bag was the first thing I had done in the morning. As it turned out, I had not. I realized that I would definitely not pass if I was not be able to borrow a calculator immediately.

I really did not want to put myself at risk of delaying my graduation plan, because I had devoted a lot of valuable time to this subject, and had even paid money for the upcoming semester. In panic, I figured out that I had to ask for help. I decided to make a call to one of my classmates living in the dormitory to borrow her calculator. Unfortunately, she was not in Hanoi at that time. As a result, I had to manage without a calculator to deal with this difficult situation.

Although I scraped by in the exam, I failed to get a high mark. It was an extremely valuable lesson for me. I learnt the hard way that I need to be more careful and well-prepared for the important things in my life.


What should teachers do when students make mistakes? 
I believe teachers should generally tell their students when they have made a mistake, but how they do it and how often they do it is something that needs to be considered. If a teacher was to ignore a mistake, the student might believe that they hadn’t done anything wrong and would then continue repeating the mistake until, hopefully, eventually, someone would let them know, at which point, it would probably be a habit of the student and so even harder to stop.

Obviously, if someone’s constantly correcting you, that might lower your confidence, so at times, teachers need to be selective about what mistakes they address and usually it’s better to not constantly interrupt the student while they are talking. Little gestures, though, might work well and let the student correct themselves if they want.

What can people learn from their mistakes? 
I think it depends on what kind of mistakes they make. If, for example, it’s a language mistake, they can obviously learn the correct version of whatever it was that was wrong, but if it’s something more general like a life mistake, they can’t go back and change it but they can use that new knowledge to help prevent themselves from making the same mistake again in future and possibly also educate others.

Making mistakes is a part of life, from constantly falling over when you first learn to walk right up until you’re at death’s door. I don’t think anyone who you’d consider successful got there without making a few mistakes along the way.

Do you often make mistakes? 
We all make mistakes. I don’t reckon I particularly make more than the average person but it’s still too often for my liking, to be honest. I usually make mistakes when I’m not concentrating, when I allow my mind to slip. For example, when I’m revising something and I’m testing myself, if I rush, don’t pay enough attention to the question, I’m more likely to get the answer wrong. Also, double-checking is important. When I’m speeding through the questions, I’ll assume I’ve got it right the first time and then be shocked when I realise otherwise. When I take my time, focus, not let myself get distracted, it’s plain sailing.

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