BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st March


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st March
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st March



What is your full name?

My name is Sarita Sharma.

Can I see your ID?

Here it is! This is my passport.

Where are you from?

I belong to Jaipur which is in the state of Rajasthan.

What do you do?

I’ve recently completed my graduate degree in business administration, and at the moment, I work for Infosys as a business consultant.

Can you describe your work?

I interact with clients constantly to find the right solution to the problems that they’ve identified in the request for proposal. As a part of the request for proposal (RFP) process, I travel to the clients location/office understand their business environment, do a detailed study of their business operations; post this I’ve detailed sessions/workshops with the client to finalize our approach on implementing their business processes at our offshore/onshore location.

Do you enjoy your work?

Oh, it’s a great job; it’s full of challenges whereby I tend to learn too many things. What I studied theoretically during my studies is the real job environment and workplace etiquettes reinforce (= strengthen, fortify) my learning. Words fall short to appreciate the professionalism of our company, Infosys.

What parts of your work do you like the most?

When we meet clients and try to understand their problems, we tend to learn a lot from the client interaction. There’s no doubt that we find the best suited solutions for them but in a real sense, more than a client, I develop myself with the business acumen (= astuteness, sharp-wittedness) professionally. It feels like I’m yet a student who learns every day a new chapter. It’s full of excitement and motivation for me.


Describe a visitor in your home

You should say:

– Who was this visitor?

– When did he/she visit your home?

– Why did he/she come to visit?

– And explain whether you like him/her or not


So it was around 4 months ago since I invited one of my very close friends to come over to my house for dinner. It was Christmas Eve, and my friend is an expat living far away from home. As I didn’t want him to spend his Christmas alone, I asked him to join my family for a special family dinner. My friend is an American, and since he couldn’t have turkey on Thanksgiving that year, my mom decided to make turkey for him that night.

One of the funny things I remember about that night was that pretty much all the cooking appliances in my house were electrical, even the stove and all of a sudden it was a blackout an hour right before dinner time so by the time my friend got to my house, none of the food was ready. I was a quite embarrassed, but my friend was pretty cool about it.

We lit up the candles and my dad went out to buy some bread and ham. We were talking and eating while waiting for the power to turn back on. We had an absolutely amazing time talking about the cultural differences, how hospitable Vietnamese people are, and how the language barrier didn’t stop him from getting to know the locals.

Anyway, we got to eat the turkey after a 2 hour delay. Even though my mother made it quite differently from the way my friend’s family did, he really enjoyed it. And I must say that my parents absolutely adored him after that night. Since then, he has been coming over more often and becoming a very close friend to our family.


How you treat the visitors when they visit your home?

We treat them very cordially because it is a tradition in Punjab to give a red carpet welcome to the guests. Moreover, we try our best to give them all the required facilities so that they could feel comfortable. We keep in view all the things like living conditions and food.

Did you experience hospitality from your relatives when you visit them?

Yes, I remember when I visited my in-laws for the first time after my marriage. Everyone was at home and they gave me a red carpet welcome. They prepared various types of desserts for me. All the family members were sitting around me and they asked me of the well being of my parents. I felt very proud at that time.

Did you find any difficulty when some relative visited you?

Yes, I remembered when one of our relatives visited my house. I am a pure vegetarian and do not drink whisky. But the relative was fond of drinking. He expected of me to give him whisky but I was helpless. We treat him very well but when he reached his home next day he complained of me to his family that he did not welcome him well.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st March


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