BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th March


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th March
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th March



What is your full name?

My name is Schubert Perry.

Can I see your ID?

This is my passport.

Where are you from?

I live in Goa.

Do you work or study?

I have recently completed a master in InTechnology from information technology from Pune University.

In your country do people wear hats and caps?

Yes, I’ve seen many people wearing hats or caps, especially in my community when I go to church on Sunday morning, I see elderly people wearing hats and the youth wearing stylish caps.

Do you wear caps and hats?

Sometimes I wear the cap for two reasons. One is when I see the temperature outside is very heated so I try to heat by wearing a cap. Second is sometimes I love wearing different kinds of caps just to look stylish.

Did you wear hats as a child?

Yes, I did. My grandfather was very much fond of wearing stylish and traditional hats. He would take me to church every Sunday morning, and I started following the same culture. He bought me a few hats when I was in school. I’ve treasured them yet and oftentimes I try them as per occasion.

Why do people wear hats and caps?

It’s a personal preference, and a lot depends upon the family culture. For instance, my family has traditionally been using hats and caps so we follow suit. Others might be doing it for beating the heat during the summer time. There is another group of people who want to look stylish and trendy and they might be thinking that wearing hats and caps fulfill their needs.

Do you think it’s mostly for practical reasons or because of fashion?

I guess it has both purposes in some cases. But for me it’s more of a fashion than a practical reason.


Describe an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in your country

You should say:

– When this celebration takes place

– What people do during this celebration?

– What you especially like and dislike about this celebration

– And explain why it is important.


Today, I am going to talk about an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in my country called Lunar New Year. Besides the Western calendar’s New Year , the Vietnamese people also celebrate Lunar New Year according to the lunar calendar.

The Lunar New Year, or Tet usually takes place around the end of January or the beginning of February, depending on when the lunar calendar ends. Tet provides the opportunity for reunions for Vietnamese families, as people tend to return to their hometowns at this time of the year.

Like the Christmas tree in Western countries, in Vietnam, we buy a kumquat tree, an apricot blossom tree or some branches to decorate our houses. People also buy new clothes and clean their houses to welcome in the New Year. Some families make “Chung cake”, a traditional cake for this special occasion. Chung cake is made of rice, mung beans and fat pork, wrapped in a banana leaf in the shape of a square. It is then boiled overnight until it is cooked.

During the Tet holiday, Vietnamese visit their relatives to wish them all a happy new year. They also go to the pagodas frequently to wish for a better year to come for their families. Adults give lucky money to children. I think this is the only time of year when people can forget about all the worries of their daily lives, when they can relax, enjoy, indulge themselves, and get ready for another new year.


What is the importance of traditional festivals?

Traditional festivals are very important as they represent our traditions and culture. These festivals are an expressive way to celebrate glorious heritage, culture and traditions. They are meant to rejoice special moments and emotions in our lives with our loved ones. They play an important role to add structure to our social lives and connect us with our families and backgrounds

What’s the difference between festivals now and in the past?

Earlier people used to celebrate festivals in the traditional and they understood the significance and real essence of festivals. They used to be more enthusiastic and excited about festivals but nowadays people have forgotten the actual importance of festivals and the younger generation seems less interested in the festivals. They do not celebrate the festivals with the same zeal by following the norms and traditions.

Do you think western festivals like Christmas are replacing traditional festivals in your country?

Yes, I think so because youngsters and the general population of my country seem more inclined towards the western festivals such as Christmas , Halloween, Thanksgiving more than their own traditional festivals. They consider celebrating western festivals aa a status symbol.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th March


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