BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th March


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th March
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th March



What is your full name?

My name is Fridaus Balsara.

Can I see your ID?

Here it is!

Where are you from?

I belong to Mumbai, which is in the western part of India.

Do you work or study?

I work as an assistant HR manager with Oberoi Realty.

Do you like relatives coming to your home?

Yes, I do like my relatives visiting my place. I have cousins with who I get along very well and love their companies always. At the same time, I also love visiting my friends and relatives more often.

What is considered a typical food in your state?

Gujarat is primarily a place where you see most people are vegetarian due to the influence of Jain vegetarianism. Many communities, however, do include seafood, chicken, and goat in their diet. The cuisine changes with the seasonal availability of vegetables.

Do parents usually have dinner with their children in your country?

Traditionally, Indians have supper together but I don’t know it seems that this culture is under threat for various reasons. Sometimes dinners are difficult but breakfast is always together. It’s because in the morning there is a high possibility of having food or breakfast together but once you go out of home for your job or study, time files, and it’s difficult to adjust the timing with all.

In your opinion, is it important that parents eat together?

Absolutely, I personally feel it’s very important that parents and children eat together as this is an opportunity to learn and share the personal update. It’s more of a quality time spent with your family.


Describe a time when you searched/looked for information from the internet

– When was it

– What information were you looking for?

– Where you were searching on the internet

– How did it help you (how you felt about the information?)

Internet has become part and parcel of our lives. Not a single day goes without its use by the youngsters of today. I too use the internet for many things. Every now and then I see what my friends and family have posted on WhatsApp or Face book.

Here, I would like to talk about a time when I searched ideas for a handmade gift on the internet. It was my sister’s birthday and I wanted to make something for her. YouTube is a wonderful resource for videos of all types of creative projects. I came across this 3D origami project. It looked fabulous. I decided to make it. All it needed was 16 sheets of A4 size paper and a paper cutting knife. The instructions in the video were very easy. While I was making it, it did not look so good, but as I went on, the shape became clear and it started looking awesome.

When I presented it to my sister, she was stunned, because the swan looked stunning. Everyone complimented me for that artwork. She has kept that swan on her bedside table. So, the internet helped me in creating a masterpiece from ordinary paper.


Is online information reliable?

I believe that there is unreliable information available online because there are no restrictions on the information anyone can post. However, most of the users know which sites are trustworthy and which information cannot be trusted / relied upon.

Do you think there is too much information online?

Yes, there is a vast amount of information available online. There are thousands of articles, websites, and blogs available for any topic one searches for.

Is the information provided on television useful?

Yes, there is a lot of useful information provided on television through various educative and informative shows like on National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, etc. There a lot we can learn about the culture, language and lifestyle even from the daily soaps. Besides, there are advertisements about social issues and products which also add to our awareness and knowledge.


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