BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th March


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th March
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th March



What is your full name?

My name is Mamta Raj.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Mamta.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you currently live in a house or a flat / apartment?

I’m living in an apartment that is fully furnished and has all the mod cons. I share my bedroom with another person, and we have been living there for over one year.

Are street markets common in your country?

Yes. They exist everywhere, and Vietnamese people go to street markets daily.

What is usually sold there?

Well, you can find trendy clothes at a reasonable price in any street market in Vietnam.

Do you think people like street markets? Why?

I think people enjoy street markets since they are ideal places to let off steam and bargain with sellers to get a discount.

Where do you usually take a walk?

Well, I don’t walk in any particular place. I like to walk with my friends to the park so that we can talk and feel less exhausted on the way.


Describe a recent goal you set yourself

You should say,

– what it was

– why you wanted it

– what you did to get your goal

– And explain how you felt about it


I seldom make New Year resolutions because I don’t have the determination to make them come true. So I’m usually very far from setting goals. But I did get a demanding situation in my life, where I had to take serious steps. It was my weight gain. Due to lack of physical activity, I gained 5 kgs which I noticed when my clothes did not fit properly. I was not able to put on my favourite dresses, and I became worried. So I decided to work out a plan to get rid of the 5 kgs.

As a first step, I decided to fight against my sugar cravings. I searched the internet, left, right and centre and found some useful tips from a nutritionist. I learnt that it is because of protein deficiency that a person craves for sweets. So I decided to cut my breakfast and replaced it with a protein smoothie. Then I consulted a physician, who advised me to do yoga. He warned that I could see results, only gradually. I joined a yoga class and stuck to the schedule religiously.

Every morning, I got up at 5:00 AM in the morning, because the class was at 5:30 AM. Previously, I used to sleep at ungodly hours when I had to meet my deadlines at work. I focused more on my work and tried to complete the work within office hours. Since I had my yoga classes in the morning, I made it a habit to wake up early. I spent about an hour at the yoga class. The yoga teacher enlightened me on the importance of sleep and also advised me to cut down on my caffeine intake. She advised me to go to bed on time because it was needed for the repair of the muscles.

Surprisingly, I began to get results within a month. The first that improved was the fat on my cheeks. I was not chubby cheeks anymore! I noticed that my body became flexible as a result of yoga. I was confident that I would shed my 5kgs soon, and it did happen after six months. At last, I achieved something, and I was on cloud nine when I got out of the weighing machine at the hospital. I thanked my doctor for his guidance.


Do people need to write down goals or simply memorize them?

Writing helps. When a person puts down his thoughts in writing, he gains more insight into it. As you write, you get more ideas, and later they serve as a reference. At moments of exhaustion, when we feel like giving up, these notes help. They serve as a driving factor.

Do Indian people usually set goals?

Yes, a lot of them set goals. Most Indians are very resolute when it comes to achieving what they want. Mostly, goals will be related to the creation of wealth. Indians not only set goals but also work hard until it is materialized. A clear example of this would be the number of Indian students studying abroad. They have set goals for themselves during their period of study here, pursued them seriously, and also were successful in making them come true.

What are the kinds of goals that are unrealistic?

Goals that are beyond the person’s capability and passion are unrealistic. For example, an average student hailing from a middle-class family cannot dream about getting into a top university without a scholarship. Scholarships are reserved for high performers, and fees would be unaffordable. It will be an unrealistic goal.

What is more fulfilling working towards a goal or achieving it?

Both of them equally fulfilling. When working towards a goal, one may encounter a lot of hurdles, and overcoming them builds confidence. The person gets one step closer to the goal. After achieving the goal, it is a sense of accomplishment. The person will become more confident and will be ready to face more challenges.


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