BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd March


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd March
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd March



What is your full name?

My name is Manisha Kumar.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you ever drink bottled water? Why?

Yes, I do. I prefer bottled water when going on a long drive to new places because there is no guarantee for the purity of water in the new place. So bottled water is the convenient and best source of water at such times.

What kind of water do you like to drink?

I am happy with the water that I get out of my aqua water purifier. I believe it is pure and has all the essential minerals to keep me healthy.

How often do you drink water?

I drink a glass of water every hour. That makes 12-15 glasses of water per day. It helps me to keep myself hydrated and stay fit.

Do you think water is a vital resource?

Yes, of course. Water is an elixir of life. Since ancient times, civilizations were created near sources of water. It plays a vital role in sustaining life on earth.

Are you a tidy person?

Yes, I’m. I like to keep myself and my surroundings very clean. I love tidying my house, and you can even call it my hobby.

Do you think people should be tidy all the time?

Yes. I’m very hygiene conscious. I think everyone should follow simple things like washing hands after they use the restroom, covering their face with a handkerchief when they sneeze, or cough.

Are you tidier at work or home?

I would say both. At work, I don’t mess up my office cabin with dolls and other unwanted stuff. At home, I’m more organized. Everything has its place at my home.


Describe an important text message you received

You should say,

– what it was

– when you got it

– who you got it from

– and explain what you did after reading it


This is the era of smartphones. But some people still use messaging services. My aunt is one of them. She is a retired customs officer. She has a daughter who has moved to the US. I was so fond of her from my childhood, mainly because my mum influenced me to think highly of her. Last month, my phone beeped. When I looked at it, it was a message from my aunt. She had typed that since she needed to take a steroid injection for which she will be anaesthetized, she needed someone to help her in the hospital at 3:00 PM, to hold her belongings and to attend to the request of the nurses.

I never gave a second thought. I immediately replied saying I’ll be there at her home in the next half-an-hour and we could go to the hospital together. I dressed up and rushed to my parking area, picked up my two-wheeler and hurried to her place. I was there by 1:00 PM. She greeted me with herbal tea. She was 70 and seemed a bit worried about the injection procedure. I comforted her, eased her tension, ensured that I would be there all along and would drop her home. I could see that she felt better.

I accompanied her to the hospital, and waited until the entire procedure got over. She regained consciousness by 6:00 PM. The doctor immediately discharged her. Then I dropped her home and stayed with her till 9:00 PM and got back home by 10:00 PM. I felt very happy to have got a chance to help her.


How do people in India deliver important information?

Most people in India use email nowadays. As smartphones are available to everyone, people use apps like WhatsApp to deliver important messages. There are some exceptions who write letters too.

Are traditional paper mails valued in the present days?

They are used only by people who do not have access to the latest technology. The concept of traditional paper mails has become outdated. Even in rural areas, people prefer electronic mails over paper mails. They are handwritten, which makes them very special. Apart from this, they don’t carry any other significance.

Have our ways to communicate with each other changed in recent years?

Yes, there is a drastic change. Earlier, people used handwritten letters or typed them in a typewriter. It took a considerable amount of time to reach the intended person. Nowadays, email reaches the recipient in no time. Electronic mails have made communication easy.


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