BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st April


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st April
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st April



What is your full name?

My name is Amarjit Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Amarjit.

Do you like to smile?

Yes, most people say that I have a cheerful disposition. I always remind myself that life isn’t simple and it doesn’t come without obstacles, so smiling keeps you always optimistic. As I see it, people with great smiles radiate warmth that draws others to them instantly.

When do people smile at others?

People smile for different reasons, in various contexts. Most often, people of all ages will smile when something is giving them pleasure. Sometimes we do smile simply because we are happy, but we also smile for social reasons and to put people at ease, as well as to show more complex emotions, such as resignation.

Do you smile when people take pictures of you?

Yes, I actually smile all the time. Smiling in pictures makes me look more photogenic and approachable. Besides, I smile to spread happiness. Pictures are clicked to capture and relive the moment. And how do we like to do that? In a happy way! So we smile.

Can you recognize a fake smile?

Yes, probably. When you smile genuinely, there are two kinds of muscles involved in your face. A spontaneous smile of joy has upward and widening movement of the mouth into a broad grin, and movement of the muscle around the eyes. A fake or social smile, controlled by the motor cortex, has only the upward movement of the mouth, it is slower and less symmetric.


Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity

You should say:

– When it was

– Why it prevented your activity

– What you did

– And how you felt about it


I’m going to tell you an experience that happened last summer when I was going to hike on a faraway mountain. However, the unexpectedly unfavorable weather eventually hindered my plan. It was a balmy day with a mild temperature, perfect conditions for an adventurous activity like hiking. After having breakfast, I checked my backpack, made sure I was wearing my most comfortable shoes and took the bus to the foothills.

However, when I reached there, the sun disappeared, and the temperature changed vastly. The wind had picked up, with dark clouds rolling across the sky. This was no doubt an indication of heavy rain or worse, a big storm. From my previous experience, I knew right away that it is by no means an easy task to hike by myself in such conditions, as the mountain road I chose was full of twists and turns.

Demotivated as I felt, I had to cancel the hiking plans for the sake of my safety. However, on the way back, I found a hot spring resort by the road, which I had never been to before. I decided to treat myself to a service there to make up for the failed plan.

Of course, I was utterly disappointed initially because I had been planning this hike for a long time. Yet, the spring resort experience was beautiful. After two hours there, all my tiredness was gone, and I felt refreshed. Though bathing was not my first choice of the day, it turned out to be fulfilling.


Does weather have any impact on people’s daily activities?

Yes, of course. Weather affects people’s everyday lives by governing choices they make about what clothes to wear, how to travel, and the activities in which they participate. Weather also affects the moods of many people. In areas where distinct seasons exist, such as snowstorms, can cancel school, meaning parents may have to scramble for childcare, and students get a day off from school. Winter can also make commutes to work a nuisance, if not dangerous.

Why do people do different kinds of sports in different weather?

This is a way of adaptation for me. The effects of weather on sport are varied, with some events being unable to occur. While outdoor sports are most affected, those played indoors can still be impacted by unfavourable weather conditions.

What kind of weather do Vietnamese people like?

I’m afraid there is no definite answer to this question, but it may probably be the sunny, mild weather in spring. The temperature is neither bitterly cold nor unbearably hot, so people in Vietnam tend to go on a picnic or take a brisk walk in the park. This is when families get together, so I believe that people feel happier with this kind of weather.


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