BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th July



What is your full name?

My name is Namika Arora.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Namika.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Where are you from?

I am from New Delhi.

What is your hometown famous for?

New Delhi does not need any introduction. It’s a city on steroids (=active and busy-literary meaning), I would say. It’s known for several things. It’s the capita; of India and known for its vibrancy, rich history and culture. I guess New Delhi never sleeps because you feel the vibe of a lot many things that are happening around you. It is an architectural marvel with plenty of historic monuments, magnificent buildings and skyscrapers (=very tall building). Delhites are the people who provide the pulsing soul and energy of wondrous city, blessing it with cuisine and foreign language, snappy (=neat and elegant) fashion and stunning literature and many more. I’ve named Delhi as an ‘urban jungle’.

Do you still live in your hometown?

Yes, I do still live with my family there.

What do you like about living there?

It is a big city and well connected by public transportation. We’ve got buses and Metro trains for efficient commuting. You get everything in your vicinity. It’s purely a multicultural city that has everything to offer visitors. There are plenty of interesting places which make the city lovely and engaging than other cities in India. But the land of opportunity comes with a few caveats (=warnings). The traffic is horrible and if you are not the local inhabitant, you may get stick in the traffic for hours.

Are you working or studying at the moment?

I am studying and working both. I am studying Journalism and working as an assistant editor with the renowned newspaper, ‘The Hindu’.

Do you enjoy your job?

Yes, very much. It is intriguing (=fascinating) and a fast-paced job. You’ve got to work round the clock and try to break the news as it happens. That’s our first priority and that’s why we are always on edge (=tense, nervous, irritable). We get to meet several people and sometimes need to go to different places. Beyond doubt, I love this job and I feel that I do justice to my aspiration.

Is it difficult to get such a job in your country?

I don’t think so as long as one wants to work for any press. However, it is hard if your aim at working with the renowned press. They have limited openings, especially in the editorial section. People generally don’t leave such prestigious jobs because there are only a few newspapers which are the national level.


Describe a pleasant surprise you had.

Please say,

– When and where it happened

– Who gave you the surprise?

– Why they gave you the surprise

And explain how you felt about it


‘Oh my God!’ That is the first exclamation of surprise comes on my mind at this question because yet I am enjoying that surprise. In fact, I believe I would treasure (= value highly) it forever. The unforgettable surprise that I had was on my last birthday. As usual I started my day and reached office. Guess what happens? Two dapper (= well groomed, smartly dressed) persons were waiting for my arrival. First I thought of my prospective clients they could be but later I came to know that they came in person to hand over the key of newly bought Volvo S60 sedan car. I got gifted!

I had been discussing my fantasy of owning a swanky (=stylishly luxurious and expensive) and popular car with my family for long. I had not been able to take a call of buying a premium car because I wanted to save money. Unknowingly, I never knew that I was setting up a platform of getting gifted the car by my sister. She noted my desire and decided to gift my favorite car on my birthday. What a gift it was!

My family is my whole world and they love me as much dearly as I do. I reckon (=believe) my family knew that I was on a saving mode of my earnings and suppressing the desire to own a premium car that I dreamt of. When I inquired the same question to my sister that why she had gifted me such an expensive car.

She said, “Two things I had on my mind; the first is I wanted to surprise you completely and the other is I wanted you to focus on what you are up to because you were not going to fulfill your dream by spending this much of money and your heart was all set on it (her). Therefore, I wanted to release you like a bird from the cage. Focus on your productive work and be my popular brother in the world now.” That was truly inspiring, and the splendid (=gorgeous, splendor) care.

I was on cloud 9 (= elated, very happy). I kept alive my dream for years and never thought of it coming true this way. When people plan for buying certain things, they may not get so excited because to a lot extent the sense of exhilaration (= elation, euphoria, happiness) gets factored in. The opposite is true. When somebody is gifted the thing that he has been dreaming for is something that is awesome and unforgettable. I felt as if I owned the world momentarily.


Do Indian people like surprises?

Anyone loves to have every bit of positive surprises in the world. These are the moments that you live with the rest of your life. We, Indians, not only like to have surprises but also reciprocate (=do the same, return the favour) the same time after time.

Do you always get excited by surprises?

I used to get excited a lot previously but not anymore, I guess. I hold my nerve as I mature every day. It is not bad to express your feelings publicity but, at times, your feelings could put you in danger, too. I mean some people may take advantage of such behavior. What I discussed is all about controlling myself publicity but this rule does not apply when I am with my family. I would prefer to be what I am with my family and don’t need to over think about expressing myself. I do and did get excited by surprises for sure.

Can people learn how to be happy?

Yes, definitely they can learn how to remain happy. There are several avenues where people can go and resort their peace of mind. For example, they can consult a counselor if they are short-tempered and remain anguished (=pained) for some reason or they can go to temple and sit with pundits for religious edification (=education) and relishing the peaceful surroundings of religious places.

The most important characteristics to remain happy is what you feel what you are. To put it simply, people ought to stay off from any sort of negativity or scarred (=trauma, damage, suffering) memories. Agreed that everyone goes through something or other but it does not make sense to hold grudges. If people are taught this simple piece of learning and understanding, they would be all happy forever.

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