BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th April


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th April
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th April



What is your full name?

My name is Maninder Bhullar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Maninder.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

Right now I just moved into a brand new apartment on the outskirts of the city to save some money so I can afford the fee for this test. It’s a cozy studio and I share it with a family of 5 so it ends up being a bit too cramped for my liking. It’s only temporary and I expect I’ll move out as soon as I win the lottery or get hitched  with someone rich. I don’t really fancy living in a big house but this living situation is also far from perfect.

What kind of home would you like to have in the future?

I’m not that bothered about the type of home I’ll have in the future as long as it’s stuffed full of the things I like. It would be great to have a robot on hand to help with the cleaning up and lots of windows with decent views. The location is key too. Somewhere  central  would be ideal for me because I don’t like  lazing  around the house. I like having lots of things to get up to at night.

What do you like most about where you live?

Where I’m living at the moment I really appreciate the convenience. There’s a supermarket just below my apartment that I can pop into quickly if I run out of something. It’s also a fairly quiet area – lots of families and older people live around there so I don’t have to deal with loud music or difficult neighbours. The other thing that suits me is the gorgeous views. From my balcony I look out over a river, nearby villas, a working-class neighbourhood, and some high-rises in the distance.

Have you lived in your current city for a long time?

Yeah, a bit longer than I’d like to be honest. I’ve been here the last 8 years. I’m keen on moving to a new city, somewhere with a touch of culture where I can integrate fully with the locals. I feel isolated now even though my life here is very comfortable. I reckon I’ll try out a new spot in the next few years if I get the chance.

What would you improve about your current city?

There’s a lot of room for improvement where I live. Traffic drives me up the walls. The streets are  packed during rush hour so I’d get rid of all the cars if I could. People could still get around by motorbikes, bicycles and on foot. And more music venues. There isn’t much of a music scene so I’d open some small theaters where promoters can bring in the live acts that we lack now.

What’s the neighbourhood like where you live?

My neighbourhood is a mix of foreign expats, primarily from Korea, Japan and the West, and the local Vietnamese. It’s a good deal in the end – lots of different cuisine from all over the world but nothing too pricey. It’s also relatively quiet for a big city because my area is outside the hub of the city. Like many neighbourhoods in Vietnam, there is a lot of contrast -grotesque, tasteless mansions living side by side with cramped family homes.


 Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed watching.

You should say

– what the event was

– where you watched it

– who watched this event with you

– and explain why you enjoyed watching this event.


A few years ago, my father took me to a basketball game, that was being played at a university. The teams were the Shanghai Sharks and another university team. I can’t remember what the team’s name was but they were all dressed in purple and looked quite funny. The game was quite short and only had 2 halves instead of 4 quarters. I can’t remember who won, but it was obvious that the Sharks were playing very soft on the other team.

At halftime some of the Shark team members started throwing signed jerseys into the crowd, I think there were about 10 in all. I really wanted one but we were so far back that they never reached us. A friend of mine got one though and I got to try it on. The atmosphere in the stadium was so exciting. Everyone was shouting, whistling, cheering, and just making noise. I was cheering for the Sharks and my dad was whistling so loudly that people started looking at us. I was kind of embarrassed, but he didn’t care. After the game, we stopped at a snack shop and got some drinks and a snack.

I don’t think I’ll ever forget that game.


What are the benefits of sport or exercise ?

Exercise keeps you healthy. It’s been proven that people who exercise more get sick less. When you exercise, it helps build your strength to fight sickness. I have a friend who has a bad back, and if he doesn’t run, play basketball or exercise in some way then his back will go out and he’ll have to stay in bed until it is better.

What kinds of sports facilities exist in your community ?

I live near a university and my friends and I often go there to exercise. It has football fields, tracks, badminton, volleyball and tennis courts and other kinds of exercise equipment. There is also a weight room and taekwondo lessons. So I think that my community has quite a good assortment of sports facilities available.

Do men and women play the same kind of sports ?

It really depends on the person, because I know some girls who are a lot more athletic than most guys are. But for the most part, girls generally don’t play most of the rougher, aggressive sports. An American friend of mine told me that many of the men there, like to play American football and even though some girls will join the game, most of them will just sit on the side and watch or do something else.

How do you think the government could encourage more people to exercise and participate in sport?

Advertisements are some of the biggest ways people are influenced either for or against something. If the government would air some very catchy, appealing ads on TV or maybe even hold a public competition where the winners get a monetary prize that would work, for me it least. I can’t really think of anything else that would work, but that would be their best shot because that’s what most people will respond to.


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