BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th April


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th April
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th April



What is your full name?

My name is Arshpreet Kaur.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Arshpreet.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Can people read your hand-writing easily?

I’m afraid not. I envy those who have clear hand-writing, you know. Having neat handwriting has a wide variety of uses. Not only does it gain you some “bragging right” with friends but it might also help increase your IELTS writing score, am I right?

Do you people can know about a person through handwriting?

Sure. And I’m not saying having terrible hand-writing means you are an awful person. It just means you might be a bit more careless and hot-tempered than people who have nicer handwriting.

Do you like to receive hand-written cards or emails?

I receive emails every day and hand-written cards on only special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries so of course I treasure these cards more. They feel much more personal than emails, too.

How often do you receive emails?

Quite often. I mean email is extremely multi-functional, no doubt. I have three separate emails for different uses: one for personal purposes, one for my work and one for my study.

Do you think people should reply to an email instantly?

Yes I think it’s basic etiquette, you know. Responding to emails immediately after receiving them is a way to show respect to the senders.

Do you prefer to receive emails or texts?

I don’t know. Probably texts because I don’t have to log in to any account to answer messages.


Describe about a gift that you gave someone recently. Please say

– What was it?

– Who did you give it to?

– When and where was it?

Everyone likes to receive a gift. Gifting each other on various occasions is a tradition in India as well as many foreign countries. Here I would like to take about the gift which I gifted to my mother on her birthday. It was a new mobile phone.

Before that she was using a very old-fashioned phone and she was not so pleased with it. It ran very slowly, and didn’t have any modern functions, such as internet access and playing music. So I just wanted to give her a big surprise and express my loved for her.

The mobile which I gift was a trendy Samgung J7 prime, which is very well-designed with a large touch screen, dual cameras, and many different cool features. My mother was very happy as now she can listen to music and take pictures and share the photos with her friends immediately. She is using it all the time and exploring the new features of the phone.

I was very glad that the gift I chose was definitely correct. She was very satisfied with phone and she said that she can contact me with much more convenience in the future.


What is the importance of gifts in your country.

Well, there are the normal occasions which are important, for example, birthdays, graduations, weddings and so on, which are the big special days in most people’s lives. Giving gifts is also important at other times such as when someone starts a business or retires from work maybe. I suppose the event sort of dictates the type of gift you might give someone, but it also depends on the person, too. I don’t think it’s any more important to give gifts in this country than in other countries – I guess it’s the same probably all over the world. The gifts might be different but the occasions when we actually give gifts are probably similar in many other places.

What kind of gifts do you like to give?

That’s difficult to say, just one type of gift, because the gift will depend on the circumstances, you know, the occasion or event, the person I’m giving the gift to, their age, and other things such as if they are family, how well I know them and what they like. But in general, I try to get people something personal if I know them well.

What is the role of advertisements in the gifts industry?

Well, obviously there are certain events each year when there are more advertisements for gifts and gift ideas than normal, for example, at Christmas, Valentine’s Day and other such times. But the role they play is quite simple – it is to encourage and motivate people to buy gifts for their family and friends, to spend their money on certain products so that the companies that produce those products can sell more of them.


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