BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th April


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th April
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th April



What is your full name?

My name is Ramanpreet Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ramanpreet.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like fishing?
Yes, I love fishing. My house is situated near to a small water body where I do fishing. The other reason is I am fond of eating fish because It is very beneficial for health and I always try to make new dishes of fish, that is why I go fishing.

Is fishing a useful hobby?
It is an individual’s choice means some people like to do fishing, but some do not like it, especially vegetarian people. Many people eat fish but do not like to do fishing.

Do you like eating fish?
I am not a big fan of eating fish, but It is a well-known fact that fish is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. It is suitable for the brain, especially for eyes. It contains many vitamins and protein, which make the human body healthy, so I eat fish once a week.

What kinds of fish do you like eating?
Well, I do not have much knowledge about fishes, I eat it because it is a healthy food, so I buy those fish which are available in the market, but I prefer to purchase a fresh one.

Why do people go fishing?
Fishing gives you the opportunity/chance to form outstanding bonds with family and friends because most people go fishing with their family members and friends. Moreover, it is an excellent hobby to pass free time, and it helps to relieve work-related stress. Some people do fishing to earn some money to fulfil their family needs.

Why do people like keeping fish as pets?
Generally speaking, it is effortless to feed and care a fish as compared to other pets. Fish are inexpensive because they do require small space and proper environment. Fish do not create any noise. So these are the main reasons people like keeping fish as pets.


Describe the time when you had to sing a song or a poem in front of public.
You should say
– Where were you?
– What did you sing?
– How did you feel?


Everyone loves singing and humming songs in their daily lives, but it definitely gives goosebumps when it comes to performing in front of the public. I have come across many occasions when I have got a chance to talk in front of the public, but today, I would like to talk about one incident when I had to sing in school. I vividly remember that I was in the first standard when I had to sing a song in front of all the students.

It was December and as the Christmas festival was approaching our school had decided to organise an event for the Christmas celebration. So, every student was allotted a different set of tasks, including decorations and performances.

I and some of my friends had to prepare carols and perform them on the music played by other students. Well, memorizing carols was an easy task for me, but I found singing difficult. Being an introverted person by nature, I was very hesitant in the beginning. It made me quite nervous as I had never performed in front of a lot of people.

However, my parents and teachers encouraged me to practice and be confident. At last, the day came, my name was announced, and I stood on the stage with a mic in my hand. I could see my parents’ smiling face who was sitting in the front row and my friends shouting my name.

I felt good, took a deep breath, and started singing. Within few minutes, I was done with my performance, and everyone was clapping for me. I was so happy to perform well that day, and I thank my parents, friend, and teachers who helped me overcome my stage fear and boost my confidence. That is indeed one memorable experience for me, and I feel nostalgic every time I think about it.


Do teenagers and adults enjoy the same kind of songs?
It depends on personal taste. Generally speaking, teenagers like songs with fast beats, and adults like songs with good lyrics and soft music.

What are the factors that make people like a song?
A song should have good lyrics, a good composition, a pleasing voice, and an excellent video to be liked by people.

On which occasions do people in your country sing together?
In my country, people sing together at birthday parties, marriages, anniversaries, national holidays like Independence Day, etc.

Which kinds of songs are suitable for children? Why?
I think folk songs are very suitable for children because they keep children connected to their culture and traditions. Today’s children are following the global culture, and so, they need to be kept in touch with the traditional culture. Folk songs are an excellent way to connect with our culture.


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