BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st April


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st April
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 21st April



What is your full name?

My name is Veeranji Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Veeranji.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like science classes?

Well, science is not my cup of tea, but it doesn’t mean I do not like this subject. I mean to say science contains two parts theoretical and practical, and I like the only practical part, and I always got A grade in that part but got a C grade in the second part.

What kind of science classes did you study at school?

I studied chemistry, physics and biology at school. Biology was my favourite subject because a person gets a chance to explore the human body and nature. Even now, I prefer to read biological books. Chemistry was also an interesting class, but physics was the most challenging subject for me all the time.

Did you have science classes in your primary school? Or only in high school?

Both schools had science classes; in fact, it was the major part of the school’s curriculum. I learned basic science in primary school and the same subject in high school but in detail.

Do you think science classes are necessary?

I think it is a person’s personal view. According to my perception, science classes ar essential for our lives because we learn many things such as natural phenomenon, human body and other living things. Another fact is that at present most of the industries are related to science and technology, so if a student knows science and technology, it will be beneficial to get a job in this competitive era.

What science subject did you like the most in school? Why?

As I said biology class was my favourite class because though this subject, a student can explore nature, human and many other living things.

Is your work related to science?

I am a computer engineer, so my work is related to computers and other machines, but I watch the Discovery channel for knowledge and entertainment.

How do you study science?

Well, it is a difficult subject for me, so I spent more time on it during school time. I focused on the teacher’s lecture and noted down the main concept, and I also searched for some information on the internet.


Describe an unpleasant job you did

You should say:

– What was the job?

– When you did it?

– Why did you find it unpleasant?

– How you felt about it?


There are many reasons for doing a job. I believe there are only a few people in the world who are happy with their job and position. Some people do work for money so that they can provide a good life to their family while some do the job to get experience because, in some professions, the experience is necessary. Here I am going to talk about a job which I did but I was not happy with that work and environment. After completed master degree I want to purser my career as a teacher and I selected a school which located in my hometown for a job.

There were many requirements to join the school and I fulfil all except one, and that was an experience which I didn’t have. So to get teaching experience, I joined a local school for one year just for the experience. I was not too fond of that school, but I didn’t have any choice. There were many things about the school which I did not like first was the building which was not airy, and classrooms were tiny. The playground was very small. The second thing is staff members except for three to four teachers everyone pulls another’s leg in front of the principal

So I went to school every day and concentrate on my work. I felt thrilled when I completed one year because I know I am eligible to join that school which I wish. So that was the job which I did, but I am not happy with it.


How modern technologies influence people?

Technology influences people in many ways. It saves people’s time by making things easier. For example, banks use accounting software to count the cash, which works with full accuracy and quickly. Technology not only makes professional work easier but proves very beneficial in household chores also, for example, microwaves, washing machines, and much more.

Do people now work less than in the past because of technological progress?

I think no because a few decades ago people hardly finish their one task in the whole day, but now people start more than one job at a time and finish it before the time.

Will people work less in the future?

I do not think so. People will increase their work because their desires are growing day by day, which require more money, so for that, they will increase their working hours.

What makes people successful?

Well, I believe two things are essential first is hard work and luck. The combination of both things makes people successful.


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