BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th April


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th April
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th April



What is your full name?

My name is Delki Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Delki.

May I see your ID?

Sure, her it is.

Do you like bags?

I like the bags. I carry different bags for different occasion such as I use the tote bag for shopping because I have to carry lots of items. Clutch for parties and backpack for office/ school.

What type of bags do you like?

I usually carry a backpack purse because I can carry all the things, so don’t have the need to carry extra plastic bags.

Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)?

Well, no, when I go out with my family for shopping, dinner, I do not carry a bag, but when I go out to attend parties, then I have a purse.

What do you put in these bags?

One thing is the same that I carry in my all bags that is a mobile phone. For work, I put essential files in the bag/ for college; I put books and stationery in my bag. I put some money in the bag whenever I go out shopping.

What sort of bags do women like to buy.

Well, it is the individual’s choice to purchase bags, but in the case of women, I think they buy big bags for shopping and travelling, but for parties, they buy clutch according., to their dress colour. Some women are brand conscious, so they buy always branded bags.


Describe an advertisement you remember well.

You should say:

– What is it?

– When and where you saw it?

– What happens in it?


No doubt these days we are surrounded with the promotions of different companies in the form of advertisement on Television, Newspaper, Internet and so on, and I personally find commercials on Television informative as well as interesting and here I would talk about one of my favourite T. V advertisement ,and it is of the latest Samsung mobile S10, actually few days ago I was watching my favorite T. V show and during the commercial break I came across the advertisement of this mobile phone,

In this advertisement my favorite celebrity Ranbir Kapoor has performed, that’s why it captivated me straight away and I decided to watch the complete advert.

In this commercial Ranbir is just walking down the road but no one notices him however as soon as he takes out the latest S10 out of his pocket, hundreds of girls start chasing him. It shows how beautiful this mobile phone is and its elegant design and was really impressed too, with the looks of this mobile phone.

In addition, from this advertisement I also got to know about the various unique features of this mobile phone. For example, this is the first ever mobile Phone that allow users to share the battery, similarly it is having a unique selfie camera as well, perhaps it has 3 different cameras for better quality pictures.

Lastly it has a massive memory and one can easily store lots of videos, music and much more. I found this information really interesting, actually I’m planning to buy a new mobile, so just because of the influence of this commercial, the very next day I visited the Samsung store to check out this mobile ,and I found each and every thing mentioned in this advertisement true to the fact.

Since it is little expensive so I’m saving money these days to buy this mobile, but overall I found this advertisement really interesting at the same time informative.


Why do some people hate advertisements?

Most of the people do not like an advertisement because they think companies show some extra qualities of their products in the add which the products do not contain in reality and another reason of their disliking is ads break the continuity while watching a program.

Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

Yes, many people buy the product after watching an ad because nowadays ads describe all the main features of the product which lure a wide range of people.

Is music useful in advertising?

Yes, music is essential in ads. Without it, ads are useless because people do not take an interest in it.

What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about Internet advertisements?

TV advertisement is a reminder which reminds people about the main features of the products. Internet ads also do the same work, but it is optional means the user can skip it while watching a program which is not possible in TV programs.


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