BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th April


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th April
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th April



What is your full name?

My name is Rajandeep Kumar.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here it is.

What is the decoration like in your home?

My house has lots of wall art full of pictures of my family and me. My living room has a painting of my mom’s childhood home with a beautiful field full of yellow flowers in the background. There are many house plants scattered all around my house as they look good and have many health benefits. My kitchen has multicoloured pottery pieces displayed on open shelves.

What kind of decoration do you prefer?

I prefer an ethnic traditional Indian decoration. I love colours and like colourful paintings, pictures, flowers, and plants. I also like cozy and inviting spaces with decorations like cushions and area rugs.

Do Indian people like decorating their homes?

Yes, Indian people are very creative and love decorating their homes. Some prefer the traditional style and decorate their homes with ethnic, traditional textiles and embroidered tapestry whereas some prefer more modern decor.

What’s your favourite colour when decorating your home?

When decorating my home, my favourite colour is the colour of the sun – yellow as it symbolizes happiness, warmth, energy, and positivity. It brightens everything up and looks amazing. In fact, I have painted one wall in my bedroom room yellow.


Describe your favourite weather

You should say

– What kind of weather it is?

– When this weather usually occurs?

– What you usually do during this weather?

– Explain how this weather affects you?

– And explain why you like this type of weather.


In India, there are five primary types of weather: Winter, Spring, Summer. Monsoon and Autumn. These all have their significance. Just because of these climate conditions, India can produce different crops and is one of the world’s leading agriculture producers.

However, if I talk about my choice of weather, then it is winter. This season starts in December in my region and lasts till January. At this time, the climatic conditions become cool, ranging from about 2o– 20ocelsius. There are various reasons that why I like this season. First and foremost, in these climatic conditions, the electricity bills reduce to more than half as the usage of different electrical appliances takes the edge off. Secondly, I can wear my favorite clothes comfortably and eat my favorite dishes, which is not possible in summers due to scorching weather.

Most importantly, this is a season which is also preferred by Indian’s for weddings, and this gives me a chance to meet my relatives and have fun with them. Apart from this, there is also one downside of this weather, and it is that I generally gain 1 or 2kg weight in this season, which I do not like at all. So, this is the weather that I like the most.


Do you often pay attention to the weather forecast? (Why?/Why not?)

Yes, I check the weather but not regularly. Whenever I plan to go out on vacations, I check the weather because it is necessary to be prepared in advance.

How does the weather (or, the weather forecast) affect what activities people do?

Weather affects us in several ways. Climate influences the crops because it affects their growth. Moreover, the weather affects transportation. Temperature strongly controls what fruits and vegetables can grow. It also affects our eating habit, such as most people like to eat snacks on rainy days. In addition to this people wear loose dresses in hot weather and wear warm dresses in cold weather.

hy do some people dislike some kinds of weather?
I think it’s because the weather can limit people’s activities. If the weather restricts people from enjoying their favorite activity, it can make them dislike that weather. My friend hates rainy days because he likes to play cricket and he can’t do that because of the rain.


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