BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th April


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th April
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th April



What is your full name?

My name is Akashdeep Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Akashdeep.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here it is.

How do you celebrate New Year? 

I usually celebrate New Year with my family and relatives. We all get together at my Grandfather’s home and spend the day together. My mom and my aunts prepare a big lavish brunch. We play board games and watch a movie together. We go to the temple in the evening and have fireworks in the night.

Do you still remember a New Year that you celebrated?

Yes, when I was in 10th grade, we all decided to celebrate New Year in Goa instead of doing it at my Grandfather’s house. We stayed at a resort in Goa, which was right next to the beach. It was so relaxing to hear the ocean waves in the morning. On New Year’s Eve, we went to a ferry party and celebrated the night dancing. I really want to do it all over again.

Do you have any ceremonies to celebrate the New Year in your country?

We don’t have any New Year ceremonies on New Year’s Day (Jan 1st). Youngsters mostly party with their friends and most people like to spend the day with their families. In many states of India, New Year is celebrated based on the solar and lunar calendar like Baisakhi in Punjab, Pongal in Tamil Nadu.

Why do people think New Year is a new beginning?

People think New Year is a new beginning because they feel this is the time to make changes in their lives, do new things, say goodbye to old bad habits, and make new goals and resolutions.


Describe the time when someone took a good photograph of you.

You should say

– When was the photo taken? 

– Where was the photo taken?

– Who took the Photograph?

– How you felt about it?


Well, to be honest, I have a photogenic personality, and I love to be photographed. And I would take this opportunity, I still remember, last year it was the farewell party at my school when I was in 10+2, and for this party, I was really well dressed up, I was wearing my favourite attire, I was wearing a black pants coat with a tie of matching colour to my turban, and when I reached the school, I got a lot of compliments from my friends and others as well.

Fortunately, one of my friends, who is actually a professional photographer, and he brought his professional camera. So, I requested him if he could take a photograph of me. He accepted my request and he clicked my photograph. This photo was taken on the stage of my school, and it is actually a side pose. I’m looking at the building of the school with my hands in my pockets.

In fact just a couple of days after, it was my birthday. So, my friend got me this picture as a gift. It was beautifully framed and I’m looking dashing in this picture. I decided to hang it on the wall of my room, and I also use the same photograph as my profile picture on different social media sites like Facebook and Whatsapp. Overall, it is a fantastic picture that I have and I’m grateful to my friend who clicked it with his camera.


Do Indian people like to take photos of themselves?

Yes, Indian people like to take photos of themselves. We can see people taking photos on special occasions like weddings , parties as well as all public places like malls, restaurants and so on.

What kinds of devices do people like to use for taking photos these days?

People use different kinds of devices to capture photos such as Smartphones with good camera quality, professional cameras such as DSLR , lenses, tripods , selfie sticks , editing software and many more.

Why do some people like to delete photos?

Some people delete photos when they do not come out to be very good. People usually click photos in bulk but only keep those which are good clicks. People also delete photos when they have excess data in their phones, pen drives or computers. Sometimes people delete photos when they no longer want them.


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