BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th April


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th April
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th April



What is your full name?

My name is Ramanpreet Kaur.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like watching films?

Yes, I love to watch movies. I like comedy movies, horror and action films and I have numerous action and horror movies on my laptop.

Which do you prefer foreign films or local films?

Honestly speaking, I like both foreign as well as Indian movies. I watch local film whenever I want to watch a comedy movie, but for action movies. I watch foreign movies.

How often do you go to the cinema to watch a movie?
I visit the cinema to watch a movie once a month because nowadays the existence of the Internet all latest movies are available online. So most of the time I watch a movie at home on smart TV with my family.

What types of movies do you like best?

As I said earlier, I like action, horror and comedy movies, but I think comedy films are best because a person gets relaxation while watching these kinds of movies.

How do people in your country react to the cinema?

Cinema plays a vital role in our lives. Nowadays 3D cinemas are available in which increased the cinemas quality and allure more people, especially children to watch movies in cinemas. So in my country, people do love cinemas and feel connected to it.

Which type of movie do you try to avoid?

Well, I am not too fond of sad movies, so I always try to avoid to watch sad movies because these kinds of films increase tension instead to reduce it.

Which was the first movie that you watched?

Honestly speaking, most of the time. I forget movies names after a few years, but I remember the first movie that I watched during school time with other students. I remember the film story very well because it is one of my favourite films and I watch it every year at my home. It was an action movie named (movie name). There was a big hall in my school where school authorities were organizing movie show every year for whole students. So at that time. I watched my first movie.


Describe a long car journey you went on.

You should say:

– Where you went?

– What you did at that place?

– Who you went there with?

– Explain why you went on that journey by car?


Well, I travel every day for study purpose, and I use the public bus for that. I like a long journey, but most of the time I prefer to go by train. But there are few faraway places where I went through car because there is no direct train service is available.

Here I would like to describe such kind of long journey which one covered by the car. I went to Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan last year with my uncle and cousin. My cousin name is Raman, and she completed her senior secondary with good grades. She wants to pursue her study in girls university, so I advised her to took admission in Banasthali University because it is the largest fully residential women’s university in the world.

For that purpose, we went there. The total distance was about 539 km, and it was 10 hours journey which we covered by the car. We packed some food for the trip. It was a very long journey, but we enjoyed it. Uncle stop the car for three-time on the restaurants to took some tea and had lunch there.

We started our journey at 4 AM and reached the destination in the evening. We met my uncle’s friend who received us, and then we went to his home, which was near to the university. We spend the night over there. Uncle’s friend works in the accounting department in the university, and he guided us and explained every course in detail and also told about the university rules and fees. My cousin note down everything. Now she is studying at that university. So that was the time when I travelled by car.


What will cars be like in the future?

What the future has in store no one can tell, but as far as I can see there will be cars running on alternative sources of energy. Already we have cars which do not use petrol or diesel and run on electricity. However in future we may see cars running on solar power, biodiesel or other alternative sources. We may even see flying cars.

What’s the difference between men’s and women’s preference on cars?

Well, nowadays, the gender difference is disappearing, so there is no difference in men’s women’s choice about the car. Some people like big cars while some like small cars. Both males and females preferred care that provides comfort while driving, and it does not matter how big or small it is.

What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

A huge difference we can see between both bicycles and cars. Firstly is the cost, bicycles are very cheaper than cars. Second is, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they do not produce any pollution, but cars polluted the air. Moreover, the bicycle does not require any fuel and license to operate, but cars required these things. There is only one disadvantage of using a bicycle: care is safer than it. In addition to this, only two or one people can use it at a time, but the whole family has to go out together by car.


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