BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th May


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th May
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th May



What is your full name?

My name is Fateh Singh.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Fateh.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like insects?

Well, I like insects, but not all kinds of insects. I mean to say I like butterflies and dragonflies, and the reason is they not only look beautiful but also increase nature’s beauty.

Do you think insects are useful?

Yes, insects are beneficial. I believe every living organism and non-living things in this world has a particular purpose. For example, everyone loves to eat honey, which bees produce.

What kinds of insects make some people scared?

Well, some insects look beautiful, and people like them, but most of the insect’s look is horrible, so people do not like and get afraid of them, such as the beetle, cockroach, cricket and many more.

Are there many different insects in the place where you live?

Yes, there are many insects inside and outside of my home because I live in a farmhouse. I regularly spray insecticides inside the house.


Describe your favorite curtain.

You should say

– Which curtain it is?

– When and Where did you see it?

– What it looks like?

– Why you liked it so much?


Well, curtains are an essential part of home furnishing and we see them in almost every house.But I would like to take this opportunity to talk about a very unique curtain that I saw at my uncle’s place who lives in Delhi. Actually, my uncle is a very rich businessman and he has spent fortunes on the furnishing of his house. One thing that really impressed me in the guest room during my stay was the curtain.

It was not a regular curtain at all it was a smart curtain that could be controlled with a remote and I experienced such type of curtain for the very first time.

This type of curtain for the very first time. This room’s window faces east, so to avoid the sharp sunlight especially at noon this curtain has few layers. The innermost layer was for blackout which was made of expensive velvet fabric.

While the outer layer had a very impressive floral design matching the furniture and the walls of the room. The fabric of the outer layer was Silk which is even more expensive. The best thing that I like about this curtain was I could control it lying on my bed which gives you a very royal feel.

The next morning I inquired about the curtain from my uncle to which he replied he bought it from Dubai during the shopping fest last year. After coming home, I shared this experience with my parents as well and now I too wish to have similar curtains for my room.

Overall, it is an amazing place for people to stay fit and healthy and now I am also a regular member of this gym.


What kind of curtains do you like at your home?

In the past, I use to have simple and plain curtains. But after seeing them, I get bored of them. So, now I have self-portrait photos curtains in all our bedrooms and one of the family photo portraits in my living area.

What do you think shopping through social sites is better?

In fact, nowadays, online shopping is going famous rather than real shopping. We all are doing virtual shopping during this pandemic time, and we have enough varieties of choices online rather than in shops.

What type of clothes do people wear after their jobs?

Frankly speaking, to kick off the day after the stressful job in the entire day, I usually relax wearing T-shirts and shorts. I think most of the people wear the same like T-shirts or nightdresses like that.


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