BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th May


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th May
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th May



What is your full name?

My name is Ramika Gaba.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ramika.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here it is.

Did you save money when you were young?

I always used to save money when I was younger. I understood it to be a good practice and saved my pocket money, award amounts, or any money that I received as a gift. Those saved amounts of money have helped me a lot during my time of need.

Have you ever given money to other children?

No, I have never given money to any other children, as I spent money only with my parent’s permission, and never digressed from the original spending purpose agreed upon, along with my parents. I have always politely refused any other children who have come to ask me for money.

Do you think parents should teach children to save money?

Yes, I think that parents should teach children to save money. It is a very good practice that not only secures our future but also disciplines us by teaching self-control and introspection. All of us should learn about saving money and enjoy the benefits it brings along.

Do parents give children pocket money in your home?

Yes, parents do give children pocket money in my home. I and all my siblings used to get a certain amount of money every month, which was always lesser than our expectations on purpose. This was done in order to teach us control on expenses, and the practice of saving.


Describe a time you read a map or made use of map.

You should say:

– When and where you were?

– How you were lost?

– How did you feel?

– How was your overall experience?


Well, it is not uncommon to see people making use of maps to find direction while visiting a new place or when they are lost. Here I would like to talk about an incident where I was lost and found my way with the help of a map. A few months ago, I was with my friends in Manali for the holidays. From locals, we learnt about bicycle tour, which is quite popular among tourists.

It was off the road tour where people can observe pristine nature in terms of lakes, springs, waterfalls and others. The next day we rented bikes and set off for this tour. But I was not able to pace up with my friends since I am a slow rider.

Eventually, I was nowhere close to them. At this time I decided to take a shortcut through the bushes, but I got lost. I started to panic because I couldn’t find the track. There was no connectivity so I could not even call my friends for help. Luckily, with the rental bicycle, we got a map of the local area.

It was not easy to comprehend(understand) it, but I tried to identify the landmarks by taking help of the map and reference of the direction of sunlight.

It took me more than 2 hours to find the direction but, finally, I got on to the right track and I was on cloud 9 nine. Soon, I saw my friends coming from the other side who were so happy to see me as they had been looking for me during this time.


Do you prefer an electronic map or paper maps?

In this technological era, everyone wants or can say prefer to use electronic equipment to complete their work quickly. I am also one of them. I use an electronic map rather than a paper map because it is very easy to use. After all, we can enter the location name with our voice if we do not want to type letters.

Do you ever ask people for directions instead of using a map?

Yes, I do it sometimes as we know, maps are working with the help of internet and sometimes on some locations the network is not available so in that situation, I take help from local people and ask them for the direction.


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th May
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