BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st August


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st August
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st August



What is your full name?
My name is Ishani garg.

How may I address you?
Well, you may call me Ishani instead of addressing by my full name.

Where are you from?
I am from Delhi, the capital of India.

Do you work or study?
I am studying at present; I’m final year Economics student at Delhi University.

What type of transport do you generally use?
I have a motorbike, and I also us the ‘Metro’ depending upon where I want to go. The Metro train is convenient for going to a lot of places and relatively cheap. If I want to go out the city then I usually take my motorbike because it is more convenient for me.

Do you think transportation in your country is good? why?
I’m not yet convinced with the transportation facilities in my country. In metropolitan cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai, they have local trains (Metros) or trams. These places are a business hub and that’s why we’ve a better commuting facility. But in other ‘Tier 2’ and ‘Tier 3’ cities, the government hasn’t done enough for people. Most of these cities rely on the private transportation and people face a daunting (= challenging) task in commuting every morning. But I would also mention that the district rail system is efficient and well connected across the states in India.

How would you upgrade the transportation in your country?
It is a colossal (=big) task for various state governments. The railway tracks are the same that were laid decades back and in a dilapidated (=shabby, worn out) condition. Buses are too old to run on the road. The whole infrastructure needs refurbishing (=renovation) and a radical overhaul (=fix up, rebuild).

How popular are bicycles in your home town? [why]
Really, I don’t see people are interested in travelling bicycle. Some people may use them for exercise purpose and that’s the whole different story. The Gujarat Government has been promoting the bicycle share program, especially to those who us Bus Rapid Transport System (BRTS). It allows commuters to take a bicycle from any BRTS bus stop and drop it to any other only for just 300.00 INR per month. But they’ve registered a very poor response yet. In a nutshell, people don’t think the bicycles is a viable mode of transport- they just see the bicycle is meant for exercise.

How often do you ride a bicycle? [why/why not]
I am also the one who doesn’t ride a bicycle for any other use but for exercise. I take my bike every morning to gym- it’s used for that purpose only. However, I remember having ridden the cyclists. Overall, I believe that in India the culture of riding a bicycle is not prevalent yet.

Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages? [why/why not]
Of course, they are suitable for all ages. However, there’s a caveat (=warning) for those who suffer from arthritis or those who have a struggle with their sciatica nerve. They may hurt themselves further. There’s another dimension that it’s important to learn how to control the bicycle, especially when the roads are saturated with plenty of vehicles these days. The cyclists are prone to the accident where the driving sense is missing.


Describe a program or app in your computer or phone.
Please say,

-what the app/program is
-when and where you find it
-how you use it
-how you feel about it


The app is a little self-contained program on the smartphone. It’s more user-friendly, used to enhance the existing functionality in a simple way. These apps are only compatible with smartphones, using the platform of Androids, iOS or windows platform.
Mobile apps were introduced when smartphones came in emergence (= appearance, arrival). It took some time to understand this new technological advancement initially because I wasn’t a tech savvy person (=well informed about the use of modern technology) at all.

One of my friends in the USA mentioned about ‘WhatsApp’ and explained to me the benefit of using this app and others. I downloaded it on my phone and I must admit that now I’m addicted to it and find it the most convenient way to communicate with the world.
I use this app for both purpose: personal and professional. Most of my friends within India and overseas have this phone. We text messages or use the feature of calling to stay in touch with each other. I have a few groups of friends and business people on ‘WhatsApp’.

I believe all kinds of apps have made our life convenient, simpler and quicker. They also help us to save a lot of cost while communicating. For instance, I use the feature of online banking for certain transactions which was not possible some years back. I sometimes transfer fund to my friends or business associates after working hours also If I happen to miss performing that job during the day. In some occasions, when I am short of time, I also shop online using apps of Amazon, Flipkart or Myntra.


What kinds of apps do you have on your phone?
I’ve plenty of apps on my phone. I’ve the app of Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Citi Bank, YouTube, Google, Truecaller, Auto call recorder, Book my show, CNN, TOI and so on. I use these apps day in, day in, day out, and without them I would really struggle to process certain things. They are quite useful.

What are the drawbacks of having too many apps on your phone?
The technology gurus opine that too many apps slow down the phone processor. However, this logic applies to only Windows or Androids phone. I use iPhone and have never encountered such a problem. I guess the speed or slow speed of the phone processor is not a concern here. Having too many apps distract you many a time. The smartphone itself is perceived as more of a distraction these days because it consumes plenty of our precious time.

How much time do you spend on these apps?
Frankly speaking, I’ve never calculated the time spent on various apps. I guess at least one hour or so is taken out of my schedule for sure. Despite the distraction it is, the youngsters are seen more glued to (= be riveted by, be paying very close attention to) smartphones these days for their casual or practical usages. It’s a temptation (=lure, allurement, enticement) and people are unable to resist themselves from this destructive temptation.

Do you like to look for new apps or just keep using the old ones?
It all depends upon the need for any service, or a strong recommendation from acquaintances leads me to look for new apps. I’m quite satisfied with the existing apps that I’ve on my phone. At times, when I see commercials of any app and if I find some sort of connection to my need toward their products, I don’t mind trying it once. I will retain it if it helps and serves my purpose or simply it’s deleted later on.

Do you use free apps or the ones that you need to pay for?
Till date, I’ve not matured myself to spend the hard-earned money on buying apps. No situation has made me spend money for any app yet. However, I’m open to change my mindset if I get value for money in the future.

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