BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th May


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th May
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th May



What is your full name?

My name is Ram Kumari.

Can I see your ID?

Here it is! This is my passport.

Where are you from?

I belong to Jaipur which is in the state of Rajasthan.

Do you usually use a pen or pencil?

Being a student, both pen and pencil have become an integral part of my life. However, most of the time, I prefer to use pencil so that I can easily erase my mistakes.

When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil?

Well, I’ve just bought this morning only when by mistake I had lost my previous pencil.

How would you react if someone sent you a pen as a gift?

Without a doubt, I’d be astounded most especially if I get a parker fountain pen is not expensive, the fact that the person gives me a present is what I care the most.

When do you concentrate?

I really need to focus in all kinds of situations to perform better. But I believe the two most important times are when I drive and while taking exams.

Do you find it difficult to concentrate?

When I’m worried my mind can become scattered, as it’s harder to dismiss any distractions coming my way.

Is it easy for you to do two or more things at the same time?

Well, I think it depends upon complexity or importance of the activity. For simple routine tasks, it’s not a problem. As a matter of fact, I prefer doing it as it can sure time.

How do you concentrate?

To make myself concentrate better, I like to remove things that may distract me. For instance, during my reading time, I actually turn off my smart phone.


Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media.

You should say

– When it was?

– Where you saw it?

– What you saw?

– And explain why you think it was interesting?


I think social media has become a very important part of our life nowadays. Among the different social media platforms, I use Instagram the most. One of my favorite Instagram channels is 10-minute crafts. I find this channel very interesting, and I am always waiting for their new posts. The channel posts about different arts and crafts which people can learn in under 10 minutes.

I first saw this channel a year ago, during the corona lockdown. I had a lot of free time and I wanted to utilize my time doing something productive. As I was scrolling through Instagram posts, I came across one of their posts. In the post, they had taught about block painting. I am not good at painting but when I came across the painting technique, I felt even I could do it. It was very simple.

I tried it and it came about really good. When my mother saw it, she decided to get it laminated and hanged it in the living room. I have been following the channel since then. Their channel has so many interesting posts about such projects. They show these really good-looking arts and crafts projects, which look like only professionals could have made.

However, then they describe the simplest methods of making them below the project pictures. This is what makes their channel interesting to me. I think anyone can decorate their whole house, just by following their channel. And there is a different charm about decorating our house by objects we have made ourselves. I have recommended their channel to many of my friends and cousins. All of them feel that it is a gold mine.


Why do people like to use social media?

I think the main reason why people use social media is to stay in touch in with friends and family members. Another major reason is to keep abreast with the latest news and information. Last but not least, it is just a way to fill up spare time.

What kinds of things are popular on social media?

Many things are popular on social media, but the most popular is to share pictures and videos about oneself. People also share the latest news and information they find interesting. Nowadays, even businesses have started using social media to advertise their products and create a name for their brand.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?

I think the main advantage of using social media is that it is very easy to access information, provide information and communicate via social media. It lets us make friends and keep in touch with old friends very easily. On the other hand, the main drawback is the lack of privacy and lack of reliable information. There are many instances where people have used social media to share false information for example, recently people spread misinformation about the harmful effects of covid vaccination, which caused a lot of hesitancy among people about vaccination.


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 17th May
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