BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th May


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th May
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th May



What is your full name?

My name is Asha Goyal.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Asha.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you work or study?

I am a student.

What subject are you studying?

Well, being a medical student, I am studying science subjects’ chemistry, biology and physics.

What did you choose to study that subject?

Be honest, I choose that subjects because these subjects are Lucrative (= profitable) subjects. Nowadays and it opens the door of more jobs opportunities.

Do you like your subject?

Definitely, I like my subjects because by reading these subjects, I come to know about a lot of things which I do not know earlier. It also enhances my spectrum of knowledge.

Is it very interesting?

Well, it is quite captivating (= interesting) for me because as I have told you earlier I am able to attain knowledge about basic things with the assistance of these subjects.

Are you looking forward to working?

Frankly speaking, I do not tend to do work because I pursue my further study in this stream.

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or afternoons?

Well, I give priority to do study in the morning time because that time environment is quite peaceful.


Describe a film/movie that made you laugh.

You should say

– What is the name of this movie?

– When did you watch it?

– Who you watched it with?

– Why it made you laugh?


I am an ardent admirer of Aamir Khan. His movies are loaded with strong social messages, yet they are not devoid of entertainment. My favourite movie to date is Rang De Basanti. It is a comedy as well as a drama movie and has an excellent storyline.

It was released in 2006, but I am yet to watch a movie that can match Rang De Basanti. I have viewed this several times, maybe 6 or 7, but every time I am surprised that I sit through the movie from beginning to the end without feeling bored. It was directed by Om Prakash Mehra and it starred Aamir Khan and Soha Ali Khan, Anupam Kher and Kiron Kher besides Sharman Joshi and Kunal Kapoor.

All the actors in this movie have performed to the best of their abilities that means the movie is very well directed and well presented. The setting is both pre-partition days in India and modern-day India. The story revolves around six Indians young students who assist an English Woman to film a documentary on the freedom fighters from their past. The events that lead make them to relive the long-forgotten saga of freedom.

In fact, they realise they love their country and can make supreme sacrifice for it. It has very moving songs and has won the award for music director A.R. Rehman. Some of the scenes are so hilarious that I start laughing even when I am alone. It is a movie that shows that today’s younger generation may appear to be aimless and carefree, but given the right direction and guidance, they can achieve wonders.


Do people like comedy?

Yes, people love to watch comedy as it is a great source of entertainment. Also, in today’s world, where everyone has to work really hard, comedy acts as a great stress buster. Personally, I love to watch comedy series on Netflix. My favourite comedy series is a US-based sitcom called Friends.

Why do people of all ages like cartoons?

People of all ages love to watch cartoons because they are really funny and enjoyable. Kids like watching cartoons because they are fun, and they can learn many things from them. Cartoons are fantastical, so they could think their dreams are coming true by cartoons. For adults, cartoons take them back to their childhood and provide breaks from their hectic schedules.

Why do some people like to make others laugh?

I think there are two main reasons why some people like to make others laugh. First, when they make others laugh, it makes them look more attractive, especially to the opposite gender. For example, women like men who have a humorous nature. Secondly, it helps them to break the ice or remove the tension in a nervous situation.


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