BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th July


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Gurmanjeet Kaur.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Gurman.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Where do you come from?

I am from Delhi.

In your country do people wear hats and caps?

Yes, I’ve seen many people wearing hats or caps, especially in my community when I go to church on Sunday morning and I see elderly people wearing hats and the youth wearing stylish caps.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you wear hats and caps?

Sometimes I wear the cap for two reasons. One is when I see the temperature outside is very heated so I try to beat the heat by wearing a cap. Second is sometimes I love wearing different kinds of caps just to look stylish.

Did you wear hats as a child?

Yes, I did. My grandfather was very much fond of wearing stylish and traditional hats. He would take me to church every Sunday morning, and I started following the same culture. He bought me a few hats when I was in school. I’ve treasured them yet and oftentimes I try them as per occasion.

Why do people wear hats and caps?

It’s a personal preference, and a lot depends, upon the family culture. For instance, my family has traditionally been using hats and caps so we follow suit. Others might be doing it for beating the heat during the summer time. There is another group of people who wear to look stylish and trendy and they might be thinking that wearing hats and caps fulfil their needs.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a teenager you know

You should say:

– Who is she/he?

– When you met her/him?

– Do you like her/him?

– And explain why you like her/him?


Ok, there are ample youngsters I know; here I’d like to talk about the one who is not only a teenager but also a good friend of mine. He is known as Wilson and he is 17 studying in high school. He is a tall and handsome fellow. He usually wears informal attire; however, if a situation requires him to be formal then he never forgets to be in formal dress. He is a sharp cookie, you know, in his recent exam; he was the topper of his class.

I know him since he born as he is my sister’s son, I mean to say he is nephew. He often pops up whenever he wanted to clear his doubts in his study especially in Mathematics and Science subject. We both together spend a great time on weekends; we play Chess, Table Tennis, and Badminton. He is very good at playing all games, you won’t believe me, he at least beat me 3 games out of 5.

We both enjoy each other’s company. Even though a teenager is a stressful period of life because of physical and biological changes, he always seems to be very active and enthusiastic in his activities. I am really impressed with this. What’s more, yeah, he is a reliable person, I share my all secrets with him, and he never reveals my secrets to anyone. This is one of a reason that I like him.

Overall, I can say that he is my favourite younger that I know in life. I will always remain his friend.

IELTS Speaking Interview


What is the difference between teenagers and children?

The main difference is the level of maturity. Children are more innocent and immature as compared to the teenagers. Life is less complex for children. However, for teenagers, life seems more complex and confusing as they are going through physical, biological, and mental changes. They are neither adults nor children. Those are the most impressionable years of a person’s life and it’s the time when they make very important decisions about their career goals.

Why do you think this difference can classify teenagers and children?

I think this difference is natural because of the changes that they undergo biologically during the teenage years. It is also because of the awareness and the exposure that the teenagers have as compared to children.

Who do you like teenager or children?

I like both, but I like teenagers better because I can share my feelings with them and be friends with them. Their company makes me feel young.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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