BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th May


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th May
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th May



What is your full name?

My name is Ramika Gabbi.

Can I see your ID?

This is my passport. Here it is!

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ramika Gabbi.

Where are you from?

I live in Chennai, but my family belongs to Kerala and they migrated to Tamil Nadu long abroad for which I’m here in front of you.

What part of India do you live in?

Tamil Nadu is located in the southern part of India, and my city is situated on the Bay of Bengal in eastern India. It’s a port city.

Do you do household chores?

Candidly speaking, not much because we’ve a resident maid appointed for household chores. Only when she’s gone for holidays or sick, my mother and I’ve to do household chores. In her absence, I help my mother with washing linen, mopping the floor, dusting and other chores.

What household chores do you like or dislike?

I would prefer to do dusting because I embrace cleanliness. I don’t like dirty walls, or the shabby furniture. I’ll take the duster and start dusting fans, electronic goods, artifacts and anything that comes in my rader. The household chore that I dislike is washing dishes and crockeries. It’s because my skin is very sensitive and when I use the dishwashing liquid, I’ve skin irritation.

Did you do household chores as a child?

Sometimes I did and again in the situation that I describe just now. However, my mother didn’t allow me to engage myself with household chores much when I was a kid. She always wanted me to focus on my studies and playing.


Describe a short trip that you frequently make (or, take) but dislike

You should say:

• where you travel from and to

• how often you make this trip

• why you make this trip

and explain why you dislike this trip.


I would like to talk about a short trip that I frequently take but dislike. My family and I have been living in Hanoi, however, we always make time for visiting my grandparents every other weekend in our hometown. It is situated in Ninh Binh province, which lies about 90 kms from Hanoi.

It normally takes us around 1 hour and a half to get there by car. To be honest, I usually get carsick, so I do not really enjoy travelling by car on trips outside the city. I mean, it makes me feel very tired and I have a headache throughout the journey, therefore I tend to fall asleep instead of staying awake to talk.

Despite the fact that carsickness makes it difficult for me to put up with even this short trip, I still try my best to take time to visit my grandparents with my small family. You know, because we are living in a big city, we are so caught up in work and study as well, that our lifestyle does not allow us to have much time to get together too often.

We always make the most of the family get-together, sharing the cooking, having meals and swapping a lot of stories with each other. What I really enjoy are the beautiful views of the countryside that my hometown offers. Once you have seen it, I guess, you would keep coming back for more. Although it is so tough to stop my carsickness, our family ties and the beauty of my small hometown will keep drawing me back there.


What mode of travel do you consider the safest?

I think earlier I considered travelling by car to be the safest but because of the increasing traffic and road accidents, I now consider train journey as the safest. So, whenever I have to travel long distance I travel by train. I also consider air journeys to be safe, but the recent airplane disappearances have made me less sure.

How do people travel long distance in your country?

I think the most common means of travel for majority of the people is train. However, with increasing incomes, many people have started travelling by air as well.

How can travelling be useful to people? What do you think people can learn by travelling to other countries?

Travelling is useful is many ways. First, its one the best ways to meet new people and make friends. Secondly, it enables us to learn about new cultures and traditions. Travelling also in a way breaks the monotony of everyday life. There is something very enjoyable about planning a holiday and visiting other places.


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