BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd June


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd June
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd June



What is your full name?

My name is Tanmany Ahuja.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tanmay.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Where are you from?

I am from Udaipur. I live there with my family.

Do you work or study?

I am a third year Economics student at the university.

Do you drive often?

Yes, I drive daily. I use Scooty every day to go to school/ work. But to cover the long-distance, I prefer to hire a taxi or public transport.

Is there any public transport in your area?

Yes, both public and private transport services are available in my city/ village. People use different modes according to the distance and time means if people are getting late, they use taxis; otherwise, they use public buses.

Do you want your children to drive in future?

Yes, I would like my children to learn all the essential skills and driving is also one of them. Driving makes them independent and gives the freedom to move according to their choice. Moreover, if my children know about driving, then they can save money also which they may spend on hiring the taxi.

At what age are people allowed to drive in your country?

According to the driving law, the minimum age for driving a vehicle is 18.

Do you have a driver’s licence?

Yes, I have a driving licence because according to The Motor Vehicles Act individual without the Driving licence is not authorized to drive a motor vehicle in a public place. Hence, if you wish to drive a motor vehicle like car or scooter on roads, you must first hold valid driving permission in India.


Describe a company where you live that employs a lot of people.

You should say

– What it does?

– How many people it employs?

– What kind of people work there?

– How you feel about it?


Well, there are a lot of options to work in my hometown like people Can set up their own business, it can be at large or small scale, can get employment in various firms according to the qualification and skill they possess. There are numerous factories which employ thousands of people from which some are Hyundai Motors, Mahindra, Bharat Petroleum, but here I would like to talk about an industry which is currently at the top and people are really interested to work in it.

The name of the industry is HMEL’s Guru Gobind Singh Petroleum Refinery. It is strategically positioned to Service the energy demand using world-class technologies, they produce superior quality, high value and environmentally safe petroleum and petrochemical products to fuel the growth of surging India.

This industry employs thousands of people who are not only from India but also from other countries. There are various reasons that why people are struggling to get a job in this company. First and foremost is the Salary package which includes a plethora of other benefits. Secondly, the work culture is outstandingly safe. This is the first company in Bathinda that got a 5-star rating in Process Safety Management.

Honestly, I’m really honored that this industry is near my town as it plays an important role to empower the city.


What should the government do if there is unemployment?

The government should encourage self-employment and also set up cottage industries, so that more and more people can be employed. MNCs should also be encouraged, so that the problem of unemployment can be mitigated.

Is a high salary important?

Yes, a high salary is very important. Money is of course the most important motivation to work. But sometimes, it is OK to get a job one loves, even if the salary is a bit less.

Is it ok to do a job you like with a low salary?

If I have to choose a job with a slightly high salary, but I don’t like it, then I wouldn’t do it and choose the job of my liking. However, if the difference in pay is very high, then I would go for that job even if I don’t like it much.

Are there many big companies in your country?

Yes, there are. India is a fast developing country. There are many Indian companies, which are very big such as Tata, Mahindra, Godrej, Reliance, Onida, and so on. There are also many multinational giants which have opened branches in India, such as Samsung, LG, Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai, and so on.


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