BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th June


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th June
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th June



What is your full name?

My name is Tanmay Rana.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tanmay.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like to read books?

Yes, I like reading books. I prefer to read different kinds of books, including adventurous, love stories, horror novels.

Do you ever visit the library?

Yes, I used to visit the library when I was a student. I borrowed my subject related books from there. But now it is so easy to buy paper online or even download the whole book through the Internet.

Do you prefer reading books or watching films?

Well, I much prefer to watch movies because It gives me visual sense and holds my attention all the time. On the other hand, reading books are very annoying to me.

What was your favourite book or story when you were a child?

I read many books in my childhood some are the part of my study some I read as for interest and my favourite book is it was a story/ adventurous book. I learned that book many times. I like it so much that I keep it in my room till now.

Do you think it is essential that children read regularly?

Definitely, I think reading is an essential skill that children learn. It not only increase the knowledge but improves the communication skills and pronunciation of words also.


Describe a part of a city or a town you enjoy spending time in

You should say

– where it is?

– what it is like?

– what do you do there?

– and explain why you enjoy spending time there?


Well, I live in Bathinda, which is also known as the City of Lakes. It’s one of the major cities of Punjab. There are numerous places where people can spend their leisure time, like Qila Mubarak, an ancient fort, and a Sikh temple is also situated in it where people go to pay obeisance.

However, my favorite part is a park close to my house, and I regularly visit there. At first, I got to know about this Park when my friend called me to meet there.

When I entered into it, I was quite impressed by the appearance as there are many amenities provided, such as a jogging track, gymnasium, fun rides for children, etc. I like to go jogging in this Park in the morning as the atmosphere is entirely and Pleasant, due to which I can easily concentrate on my activities.

Moreover, I love to walk on the grass in summers’s morning as it makes me feel relaxed. Apart from it, whenever I am stressed or feeling down in the dumps, I visit this place since the birds’ chirping, different colors of flowers, and people enjoying it makes me happy.


How do public places change in towns or cities?

Everything changes with time. For example, mobile application needs updates after some time. Similarly, places also change with time. Public areas are changed on public demand, such as new furniture, new books, and a new colour in public places. In my town, the government renovates the library and park.

What public places do old people usually go?

Older adults mostly go to the library parks and regional places. Nowadays, except older adults. All family members are busy in their job/ study so more aged people feel sad and alone. So they go to public parks to spend time with their friends. Sometimes they go to the temple for peace.


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